Mathman thank you for your reply! I am literally hanging on by my fingernails! I feel like a squirrel zigzagging left and right! The world wants me to sell my dads house, get new flooring, it's summer and I realize behind the seeming cares and distractions Jesus is coming and that's all that matters so each nugget brings me back to the nut path that follows Jesus home! The world thinks we are nuts we know we are following them home! Listen I saw the rapture on Thursday heard it's all over except the fireworks charities 5,6,7 Jesus and Mary and Martha Jesus tarried for four days! It all adds up to June 3rd being the true pentacost and Jesus tarrying four days coming with the Venus transit and our imminent rapture if we keep watching and have the oil to last eight more days! I think Jesus will tarry four days after the third and come on Thursday June 7th. It fits all I have been seeing Charities dream and Jesus tarrying! Ala Mary and Martha! This world is trying to lull us back to sleep it's summer we are supposed to focus on things well behind the seeming normal day nothing is it just seems so until we are raptured! The reality is pretty ugly! Here is the thing Jesus is the bright and morning star he said behold I give you the bright and morning star to those who overcome! We are to be found watching and praying the wise virgins keep extra oil so when they find a nut and it's not the last they keel watching keep on the path! The signs mathman I took off ascension day my wife said no more to watch then asked me to take off June 7th! Guess what my email was blocked today but I can get on from one computer that is not mine! I saw a license plate HGH3672! I fully believe pentacost June 3 was what I was seeing and the
Post today about Martha and Mary I was to read first the other clue jesus waited four days add the transit of venus Jesus the morning star and we have our rapture 5,6,7 Jesus!