Charles (24 May 2012)
"More about train dream!"

Random Bible Verse1
Psalm 145:18-19

18 The Lord is near to all who call on him,
to all who call on him in truth.
19 He fulfills the desire of those who fear him;
he also hears their cry and saves them.

This verse it's like we are the little child my sons dream on the tracks watching the train approach so we call out to be saved as my son did and we came and woke Him up get it! We are to see the truth draw near to God call out to Hm because we know we need His salvation like little children calling their father to take them home before the train hits and He saves us! Everyone else is on the merry go round of this world they do not see the train or hear the child cry out! Their hearing is drowned out by the carnival music as they go up and down and around and around but never really get anywhere! When the music stops its too late the train has already come through but the child is ok his father was watching him and came when he heard his cry! We must come to the father in simple faith as children full of light and truth He will save us! Cry out little children the train is coming and no one in the world can see or hear it until its too late! But your father will save you He will hear and save you so Cry out I say cry out!