Barry Amundsen (2 May 2012)
"Re: Comments of frustration"

"...could have done without the comments of frustration to Fay though."
But you have no problem with someone calling God's truth "Fantasy Land," Frank? My frustration is nothing and means little. I represent a kingdom that has a more behind it than me and my frustration at others' profound arrogance and ignorance as they place their trust in teachers who have not themselves submitted to the Lord nor received from Him what they teach. If I am frustrated what must He whom I represent be?
I have heard Chuck Missler over and over in his teaching say that his audience is not to believe a word he says but is to go to the scriptures and let them be the final word as to whether he speaks the truth or not. With one exception, when he was glibly going down a list of reasons why the teaching on the lost tribes of Israel was not true in his opinion, he covered a few quick points and then said I think I've covered that sufficiently now, so let's move on... In other words, he violated his own rule and basically said, take my word for it, there is no truth there... He will answer for what he has taught. (The scriptures are in God's own admission, written as they are, "line upon line and precept upon precept here a little there a little so that they may go and fall back" etc. In other words you cannot learn the truth by studying the Bible but by submitting your life to Jesus and taking His yoke on you and learning from Him. If they have not done that then they have not got it and cannot give it. The purpose of the teachers is to show others the way TO Jesus and then allow Jesus to teach them directly just as the woman at the well did for those of her village. Otherwise you can teach what you heard Jesus teach you but to teach what YOU THINK the Bible means is never right but is blind leading the blind.)
God gave SOME apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, the rest just came of their own decision. James said be not many pastors and teachers because they will receive the greater judgment. I will answer for everything I have posted or said as we all will. But I know who has taught me and am not ashamed of HIM or what He has taught. I am ashamed of people who claim to follow Him but who do not know Him.
You could have done without my comments of frustration? Try and do without His when He comes. I don't care what someone thinks of me but I do have a zeal for Jesus and His truth and I want to be noted for my position now so that when He comes it will be remembered what I said and that I stood up for the truth. I'm not interested in being popular among those who have not received the love of the truth.
It is a motivation of love that makes me respond to one like Fay as much as frustration because ultimately, I would love for her to find these truths before the rapture rather than after but if she chooses to not believe then I have at least tried. Once again, I will point out that it was her who chose this confrontation with help from Michael Colunga.