Andrea (28 May 2012)
"The catastrophic events that happen before the rapture"

The Lord has been saying to many people of the things that must happen before the rapture will happen.  One is a terrific tsunami that will inundate the eastern seaboard of the USA, it is thought that and was seen in vision that the canary islands will cause this by one of the volcanoes sliding into the atlantic ocean which has been documented by many scientists especially since there has been much activity since last year in that arcipelago.  In the vision was heard 3 times "Canary islands....canary islands....canary islands."   New Jersey was under water just as other states as well, the tsunami will be 300 feet high and will affect also the caribbean sea.  The second thing that happens will be an earthquake in california and also mexico and down in south america, it will be much larger and destructive than the japan earthquake and tsunami, oregon and washington state and also  canada will be involved, they are saying around magnitude 10.   The Lords Hour radio show has been warning of this since the beginning of 2012, the video on youtube which talked about the canary islands can be found under the name of Jesusmybeauty.  Also Godshealer7  has seen this too and countless others.  So before the rapture happens these things will be seen but Yahushua's bride will be protected during these events.  The rapture should happen very soon after the earthquake on the pacific coast maybe the same day.  Maranatha and be prepared always with water and extra food because the water will definitely be contaminated.   In His Holy Name,    Andrea