Sara Reynolds (31 May 2011)
"Israel's Rebirth and the total number of Chapters hidden in the High Priest Breastplate."

Remember the article that John Tng wrote about the gospel hidden in the stones?  You'll be very amazed because God hidden the birth year of Israel and also the Total Chapters in the Bible.  The gematrias are as follows on the breastplate.
  30    466    259
    7    570      54
  95    830    501
331    395    162
When it's flipped in reverse, the numbers are as follows; notice that the 7 remains the same.
  03    664    952
    7    075      45
  59    038    105
133    593    261
The first two rows are colored in red, the third row is colored purple, and the last row is colored blue.  952 + 664 + 3 + 45 + 75 + 7 + 105 + 38 + 59 = 1948.  This is the result of adding the two rows in red with the third row in purple.  There are 1189 chapters in the entire bible.  To get to 1189, 105 + 38 + 59 + 261 + 593 + 133 = 1189.  The first nine stones equals the year 1948.  The last six stones equals 1189 chapters.  God, in His wisdom, knew ahead of time when Israel became a nation again.  It is hidden in the breastplate of the High Priest.  God is very awesome.
Sara Reynolds