Sandra Jean (25 May 2011)

Hi Kevin.  In your posted comments below, you said "the illuminati would not allow." Who is/are the illuminati compared to the Almighty Redeemer God, Creator of the universe, matter, energy, laws of nature, complexity of creation?   God is in control -- always has been and always will be -- and He knows the end from the beginning, Isaiah 46:10.  (You knew I had to challenge that, right?  Plus I know you and Dewey would agree so no need to reply.)  
Have always believed that the pre-trib rapture would take place on Rosh HaShannah, Feast of Trumpets.  Two Jewish idioms or sayings identify this particular feast:  "no one knows the day or hour" and the "last trumpet."  And Christ has already fulfilled the 4 previous feasts.  So if Richard Sigmund is right (Messianic Vision interview on Friday, December 1, 2006), and we're still here when Herman Cain is elected (November 6, 2012), that would mean a possible rapture date of FOT 2013.  But the Bible also warns about false prophets and the increase of deception in these last days.  So I would just advise people to listen for themselves but pray for discernment.
Luke 21:36: "Watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man."
Revelation 3:10: "Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth."
Blessings to you and yours!