Paul N. F. (7 May 2011)


By A. W. Tozer

. . .For when I am weak, then am I strong.

                      - 2 Corinthians 12:10

     Everything we need is found in Jesus Christ, the Son
of God - and I think it is fair to say that we can never use
all of the  spiritual power and victory He is able to
provide. He is all the guilty sinner needs and He is more
than the fondest expectations of the loftiest saint!

     If we are going to stand up for Jesus, it is good for us to
remember how strong He is - and how weak we are!  I
settled this long ago. I tell you I have talked to God more
than I have talked to anyone else and my conferences
with Him have been longer than with anyone else.

     I have told Him: "Now, Lord, if I say what I know in my
heart I should say, and if I do what I know I should do, I will
be in trouble with people and with groups."

     Then after praying more, I have said: "Almighty Lord,
I accept this with my eyes open!  I will not run.  I will not
hide.  I will dare to stand up because I am on your side;
and I know that when I am weak, then I am strong!"

     So, I don't let anyone praise me and I try not to pay
attention to those who would blame me, for I am only a
servant of the holiest man that ever walked the streets
of Jerusalem - and they called Him a devil!

    This is how I have learned to stand fast for Christ, and
for all that He is to His own!


Yours in Christ,
Paul N. F.