Lori Fiechter (16 May 2011)
"poem "The Apple of His Eye""

If thousands march towards Jerusalem tomorrow, it is just a foretaste of that great gathering of armies against Zion. And we know how that will end...

The Apple of His Eye
(Zech. 2& 12, Isa. 31,43, & 59, Psa. 2)

And will you come up
against Jerusalem?
And will you touch
the apple of His eye?
I do not fear for Jerusalem--
I fear for you.
When the Lord is raised up
out of His holy habitation
He will defend Jerusalem;
He will deliver Jerusalem
and none shall stand.

So rage on--
God will laugh.
Plot and plan and march--
You will not succeed.
Curse His people,
Dare to touch Zion
Lift the cup of trembling
to your lips
Bring your butter knives
to divide the burdensome stone
Pour in like a flood--
And look at Whose standard
is raised against you…

lori fiechter