Leigh (10 May 2011)
"Dr Owuor... MIRACLE HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!"

Hi John and Doves!!!   A few weeks ago i asked for prayers for my son who started ignoring me because his wife is so jealous of him. To make a long story short, I emailed several christian sites asking for prayer but nothing happened. Yesterday I was listening to one of Dr Owuors sermons and then started looking for his email address in Africa. I thought I would explain the whole story to him which I did. I was very honest about everything.Then I hit the SEND button. An answer  popped up that it was sent successfullky. Now most of you know that the anointing breaks the yoke!!! Also some of the disciples laid the loin cloths of Paul on the sick and they were healed. Now wait for it. Five  minutes after I hit the SEND button which is just enough time for a person to walk to the phone and dial a number, my phone rang!!! IT WAS MY SON!!!!!   I think that Dr Owuor may have a double anointing from GOD the HOLY SPIRIT. So lets not criticise the work he does for thousands get saved and GOD is using him mightily!!!  Please listen to GOD AND MOSES part 3. Its ALL ABOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!!  You TOO can have it the way he has!!!  I thank GOD ALMIGHTY the CREATOR of HEAVEN and EARTH for this man. Also what David Daughtrey sent us about KEEP PUSHING... It WORKED!!! May the HOLY SPIRIT ANOINT ALL OF US TO GET US TO HEAVEN AT HIS VERY SOON RETURN!! ALL GLORY TO GOD!!!! Leigh Australia