Joe Chappell (7 May 2011)
"Wherefore Comfort ye one another with these words !"

Dear John Tng and all Doves,
I just want to say thanks John for this site. I so much enjoy reading all the posts. Even though there have been many Rapture dates come and go, I still look forward to each new date that someone comes up with. I am incorrigible. And when that date comes and goes, I am not discouraged. I know He is coming back soon. I have been expecting His return for 38 years now. When I first commited my life to Christ, it was 1973. I went to David Wilkerson meeting in my city, and got a cassete tape titled " The Vision ". I listened to it over and over, until it was worn out. In 1974 I bought the book, as soon as it hit the shelf. I read it and then passed it on, and bought another one.
I have had several experiences recently , when the Holy Spirit went out of His way to let me know that He is coming very soon.
A couple of verses just seem to burn in my heart of late. The first is Acts 1:11. You all probably know it, but THIS SAME JESUS, just plays over and over in my spirit. That special day which we commemorate as Ascencion Day , arrives in a few days.
The next verse, is  THE LORD HIMSELF,  found in
 I Thessalonians 4. He is not going to send someone to do this job, He is coming for us Himself
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Wherefore comfort one another with these words !!!
As I said in the beginning, this site is just that comfort to me. No matter what transpires in this crazy , mixed up, confused world, my citizenship is in Heaven, my passport is current, and I will be traveling there Soooooon ! Tell everybody !!!
Love you Doves, joe chappell