Jim Goodrick (16 May 2011)
"All Doves: Jan Mikael"

John and Doves,

Our dear brother Jan Mikael has written me by snail mail and has said that he had a virus attack on his PC and is unable to use his PC at all. He misses posting to the Doves and seeing all of your letters. He takes such a personal interest in each one.

I miss his posts very much because he always included Bible verses in each post that were uplifting.

I left his snail mail address with John and if you would like to send a snail mail letter to him to help him feel included in the "family", I'm sure Jan would greatly appreciate it. Just ask John for it.

His daughter is in the States, and he is unable to send and receive email to her, so we know that this is quite a hardship for Jan.

Let's all hold him up in prayer that somehow, someway he will be able to get back up Online again, as it may be out of the question.

May the Lord come soon.

Thank you, dear Doves and God bless,
Jim Goodrick