Jim Goodrick (16 May 2011)
"Thank you Michelle S, John (poet ) , Frank , M Colunga"

Thank you Michelle for letting me know that those great words of wisdom came from Mother Teresa. She led a life of simplicity and yet with such depth of understanding. I'll post her name to that poem right now.

And thank you Frank for the good word. All of your posts are filled with Biblical 'meat', and I appreciate them all.

And John ( poet ), your poem has good nuggets of truth :

"But you did not worry because you had a plan
A way to forgiveness, with an innocent man.

Your son would come down here, he would suffer and die
He would free us from sin and ascend in the sky
He would recover for us, the deed to the earth
He would cleanse us of our sins, by a new rebirth."

That certainly is the Gospel in a nutshell.

The theme of your poem reminds me of Habakkuk 3:2 "O LORD .. in wrath remember mercy ".  .... He does, and He will. Thank you for your poem.

And Michael, I read all those quotes on that page and they are all Good ! Quotations are always a good source of wisdom.
 The one I remember from Mark Twain is :
"When I was 14, my father knew so little; but when I was 21, I realized all that he had learned ".( something like that ).
Thanks for sharing those quotes. Good insights , all of them.
In Him,
Jim Goodrick