David Blackman (7 May 2011)
"RE: Jennie Serious Thought To All Doves!!!"

Well said Danny, 


I understand what your are saying. A prophet or deceiver.. then we are all deceivers. What man of God out there is untouched by ..sad.. believers? Where one says ...oh what a great man of God.. then another says.. ooh hes lost going to hell because he said this or that. For all we know about Dr Owour is God show'd him a rapture dream and he took it as if it was going to happen. But I really dont care. There is not one person on this planet that hears, walks with our Father perfect. We all say something, do something, look at  something you name it wrong. What to people expect? The word prophet comes out and then its LOOK for the 1st mistake so we can stone them even though we may hear from God and get it wrong all the time yet if someone in the open does the same as us.. OOOOooh man then that person is not of God!

A deceiver? Of what? We have another MAN telling the world Jesus is coming May what 21st? This man has made tons of signs and ads and as wrong as I believe he is.. he is getting a msg out.. JESUS IS RETURNING. And if Dr Owour really believed in his heart Jesus was coming on a day of some meeting he would be telling the world.  Yet he has said nothing, MAN is saying what Dr Owour is not.

We all have OUR beliefs and KNOW our belief is the true one or close to it :) If ..let every man be a liar and only God be true.. thats your answer.

Please get it write people. Satan does NOT go around telling people that Jesus came in the flesh and is the only way to the Father. Talk to who ever it is about what is bothering you. Dont start saying things that were never said. If you have to sit and WONDER.. this again is not how God works. Wonder is your clue to pray about it not TALK about it.

Dr Owour is preaching to the world Jesus saves.. the only way. Preaching to repent to the nations. MILLIONS OF MILLIONS are being saved. Yet says something that you dont agree with and the above gets toss out. We believers are ALWAYS getting in Gods way.  Hes a man. Just like you and me.