Ola Ilori (29 Mar 2020)
"The Corona virus pestilence is an indication of how spiritually and morally corrupt this age has become!"

The Corona virus pestilence is an indication of just how spiritually and morally corrupt this age has become! This is just the beginning. So much worse things are yet to come! How do we know this? Do you see the leaders of Governments repenting? No! Do you see Church leaders and Pastors repenting? No! They're probably more worried about how much less money will be coming in because church meetings have been banned! Judgment is about to begin. And it's going to start with the Rapture of all the true followers of Christ on First-fruits, on the 10th of April 2020! Anyone who's left behind didn't make the cut! And must therefore repent from sinning against God or perish. Unfortunately, billions of people will choose to perish, as they line up behind the Antichrist to destroy all those who will become the Tribulation saints during the 7 Years of Great Tribulation, which began on Thursday the 26th of March 2020.