Leo Tavares  (22 Mar 2020)

 Blessings family,

Genesis 1:1 represents the foundational verse of Biblical Numerics. I would like to share another discovery I made, which ties the 7 Hebrew words of Genesis 1:1 to the Biblical account of 6 days + 7th day of rest.

The following is an excerpt from my article "Seventh Day", which can be found here : https://sites.google.com/site/alphagematria/seventh-day

Genesis 1:1 - 2:3 records the 6 days + 7th day of rest and concludes each day with the number assigned to that day. I did an analysis on the Ordinal Hebrew values of each of these 7 key words and found that their Ordinal sum points right back to the Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1. I present to you: "The 7-day Code (373)"

THE 7-day CODE (373)

Genesis 1:1 introduces the 6 days + 7th day of rest with 7 Hebrew words

Genesis 1:1 - 2:3 records the Biblical account of 6 days + 7th day of rest

Ordinal Hebrew "FIRST" (Genesis 1:5) = 13

Ordinal Hebrew "SECOND" (Genesis 1:8) = 45

Ordinal Hebrew "THIRD" (Genesis 1:13) =74

Ordinal Hebrew "FOURTH" (Genesis 1:19) = 58

Ordinal Hebrew "FIFTH" (Genesis 1:23) = 62

Ordinal Hebrew "SIXTH" (Genesis 1:31) = 57

Ordinal Hebrew "SEVENTH" (Genesis 2:3) = 64

13 + 45 + 74 + 58 + 62 + 57 + 64 = 373

Standard Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73

913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 = 37 × 73

 Battalion Of Christ,

   Leo Tavares