Hemi (22 Mar 2020)
"Covid-19 Quarantine, who will miss us now?"

Hi John,
What a perfect, devious plan to hide the rapture of the church. Do a study in Oct. to explore the spread of a virus.
Then release the virus, quarantine the masses,  and then, if the rapture happens they will have a very simple explanation, they got sick with the virus and their body was hauled away to the crematorium. No uncomfortable questions asked.
I wrote to you regarding my thoughts on the Venus/Pleiades sign on Nisan 10, April 3-4th this year and how it may be linked to the rapture of the church.
What I failed to see was the connection to the Covid-19 quarantine about to take place around most of the western world. What a perfect way to hide raptured church, who it will be said, was only quarantined and then hauled away to the crematorium, never to be  seen or heard from again,, raptured or just sick and then disposed of? Kind of a perfect plan to hide the rapture?
Our friends and neighbours will think nothing of the rapture, just that we got sick and they came and disposed of the bodies.
As it clearly is not a day many are expecting the rapture, it could be a great deception or way to cover up the fact that millions have disappeared?
Just a thought,
God Bless you in your work,
They are getting ready for something, are you?
Having been watching for the rapture longer than I care to admit, I believe it is right at the door. So as they say, “Order out of Chaos”.
To bring in the New World Order, you need to destroy the old one first. You have to have the population on it’s knees begging for the NWO to rescue them from financial/economic/contagious ruin, and war perhaps .
It won’t be long after a shutdown that, if the trucking industry stops, we have food shortages.  Costco was cleaned out of toilet paper the other day and employees were laughing about it.
The Bible speaks of these very times, talking about war, plagues(locusts?), pestilences(Aids, Sars, Zika, Corvid-19 etc), earthquakes, tidal-waves and an economic disaster that will force all who want to “buy or sell” to take the “mark-of-the-beast”. Many believe that the MOTB is a vaccine with a DNA altering micro-chip implant(the verichip). Taking this will guarantee you will not be allowed to enter heaven, I think because your DNA will have been altered as in Gen 6.
So this is a perfect storm, fear is the greatest motivator and people will be begging for a vaccine very shortly, at any price. All of Italy is now under quarantine, the rest of Europe and the western world may follow shortly.
In Genesis, God said He put the Sun, moon and the stars in the sky for light and for signs. The “wise men” followed what to Jerusalem to find the King? A star.
At Jesus death on the cross what happened astrologically? There was darkness for three hours! From noon until three in the afternoon. The longest possible solar eclipse is 7 minutes 30 seconds or so, so what was this event that darkened the sky for 3 hours. Even the secular historians of the day, Josephus, recorded the exceptionally unusual event.
So God does use signs in the heavens to warn us or signify important events.
I see signs in the heavens, starting March 20th then the 31st and then finally the climax being April 3-4 with Venus entering the Pleiades. No not astrology but astronomy.
What happens on Nissan 10,, the most important day in history!
Venus in the Pleiades is a picture of Jesus gathering the Seven Churches of Revelation up to Heaven at the rapture.
Jesus himself said He was the bright and morning star.    Venus.  Look at Rev 22:16
I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
The Pleiades have been called the Seven Sisters(Churches) for centuries. The Pleiades are one of only 2 constellations mentioned in the Bible, so they must be of some significance. Look at Rev 1:20
20 The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.
This is a good article on this conjunction, however he fails to connect the dots to Nissan 10!  https://www.unsealed.org/2019/11/2020-vision-will-our-faith-become-sight.html
Venus entering the Pleiades on April 3-4,  fully entering the constellation on Nissan 10, is unique as it may not have occurred for hundreds if not thousands of years, maybe as far back as the exodus, but what is really of significance is that this April 3-4 is Nissan 10! What is Nissan 10?
Nissan 10, on the Jewish calendar, is the day, after 483 years, Jesus finally rode into Jerusalem proclaiming Himself to be King, the Messiah! A day prophesied in Daniel 9:24, fulfilled to the very day after 69 weeks of years.
Now if the clock stopped on that day 2000 years ago, does it not follow that the clock might start again to fulfill the final seventieth week of Daniel on that very day also, Nissan 10?
The Tribulation week of seven years. The “seven year tribulation” the book of Revelation speaks about. But the rapture has to take place before the final seventieth week as the church is not found anywhere in the final 7 years of the tribulation.
What is even more compelling is that Nissan 10 is also the day the Jews, after wandering in the desert for 40 years, were finally allowed to enter the Promised Land.
Now if that is not a picture of the rapture I don’t know what is? They too were told to wait for a specific day to finally cross the Jordan into the Promised Land. It was the tenth day of the first month, Nissan 10!
When did Jesus say, “you will not see me until they say Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord?” Nissan 10
So will anything happen this April 3-4th, the rapture maybe, I don’t know but we’ll soon see.
Remember God is in control of all things. We are His children and He will take care of us in spite of all the fear being spread across the nations.