Gino (29 Mar 2020)
"Could that possibly be worse?"

In regards to the NY Times article,
that seems to somehow blame Christians for the virus, will it be long before persecution comes?
Additionally, in regards to social distancing and lockdown, is it possible that many will have gotten used to a placated flesh,
that has basked in its delight in not having to be in church Sunday AM, Sunday PM, and Wednesday PM?
By the time self-distancing is cancelled, won't the good habit have been broken by then?
So, initially won't most return to church, at least for a while,
until the flesh remembers the leeks and onions, and how good the flesh felt to not have to be in church?
Will it not be like, "The Empire (of the flesh) Strikes Back", with a vengeance, and for so many, the flesh will take the upper hand?
And eventually, won't many people return to church less and less frequently, until the flesh manages to avoid church altogether?
I don't believe that governments planned for that, but has the enemy of our soul done so?
So, when persecution hits, will many be in the flesh, and caught totally off guard?
Could that possibly be worse than the virus?