Fay (29 Mar 2020)
"Shocking Report"

Article from the Jerusalem Post regarding Covid 19. It's pretty nasty. Throughout the article, I could see the prophetic implications. It does appear that this virus will necessitate further, more rigid lock-downs. The elephant in the room not spoken of in this report, is the economic impact. I am quoting the author with that statement.

As the author says - if this lock-down continues and intensifies - the world economy WILL collapse. Taking the world and her people back to conditions that existed in the 18th century. Please take the time to read this article. It clearly showed me that this virus is preparing the world for tribulation. It is coming toward humanity like a bullet train.

Can we dare to truly believe - this time - that  THAT day is approaching? Our rescue? Our bridegroom snatching us away? I have also linked Hebrews 10 which exhorts us to keep each other encouraged. Especially in Hebrews 10:25 where it says that we must do so all the more "as we see that day approaching".

Coronavirus study says people could be locked down for 18 month

Bible Gateway passage: Hebrews 10 - New International Version