Fay (29 Mar 2020)
"Possibly Passover?"

In the link is a short video clip from Rabbi Glazerson and a Bible code that points to our Messiah coming on Passover. Rabbi G also points out the codes referring to the election results in Israel. This shock of the 2 Benjamin's joining forces. 

The more I think about it - Passover really fits. Just as the Jewish people were told to "self isolate" the night the Angel of Death passed over - the world is now self isolating. But, concentrating on Israel - this is profound. Unprecedented. The blood of the unblemished sacrificial Lamb protected those who obeyed God's instructions. See Exodus 12.

Jews and Gentiles, all over the world, will be indoors for Passover. Bible believing Christians have covered ourselves by the redeeming blood of the Lamb.

Prior to Passover, we have Palm Sunday. This was the day that Lord Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. Cheering crowds greeted Him. Hailing Him as King. They were waving palm branches. In Exodus 12, Nisan 10 was to be the day that the sacrificial lamb was to be selected. This is why Palm Sunday represents when our Lord Jesus was elected / selected as King. And, unbeknown at the time, He was also selected as the ultimate sacrifice. The night of Nisan 14 ( April 8th) is Passover, when the Angel of Death passed over.

I am reminded of Revelation 7:9 when a huge multitude from every single nation appear in heaven. All waving palm branches.

We appear to be following the pattern of the Exodus with this Covid 19 shut-down coinciding with Passover. Reading the entire story would be a wise thing to do.

Please, LORD. Let it be so, this year. Please come, LORD Jesus.


Bible Gateway passage: Exodus 12 - New International Version