Fay (22 Mar 2020)
"New! Now all it Takes is ONE Shabbat!"

This is new news. This article informs us that all it will take (redemption) is for Israel to keep one Sabbath holy to the LORD. The details in this short article are pretty fascinating. It's all hurtling towards us, Doves. The photo of the Mormon statue losing it's trumpet due to the earthquake in Utah on Wednesday March 18th, was very prophetic. Is THE trumpet call of God about to sound?

As an aside, I read something disturbing in our UK news today (Thursday March 19th). Our government is promising to pay each citizen, regardless of circumstances, a living wage to get through this virus crisis. There is talk of halting council tax and utility bills. Mortgage payments to be suspended and private renters to be given protection too. This smacks of a soon-to-be economic meltdown and a power grab as a result. Imagine that all become reliant on the governments for money to pay for food, mortgage payments, rent? How easy will the mark of the beast be to implement? SO easy, is the answer. UK schools are all closed down from Friday March 20th. Factories and businesses are shutting their doors. There are strong rumours of London going into lock down. Nobody can survive without government aid. It would appear that the whole world will be in their homes this weekend. How unusual this is.

The article in the link serves as a huge heads-up.

As Coronavirus Shuts Down Everything: Campaign Launched Encouraging All Jews to Observe Sabbath, bring Messiah

Maranatha, LORD Jesus.