Fay (22 Mar 2020)
"Israel Curfew and the Sabbath"

The authorities in Israel are really taking action now. Here, in the UK, schools are closing early. Factories have introduced a 4 week shutdown. Entertainment, sport etc., have been cancelled. The entire world will be forced to BE STILL. This coming weekend will mark the first Sabbath of no movement in Israel. The rest of the world will be very quiet as well. I fully expect that the following weekend of the 27th and 28th of March, will be much the same. After that is the weekend of April 4th. Sunday being Palm Sunday. The article in the link is very informative.

Now that Almighty God has given me clarity as to why this virus has been allowed to happen, my anxiety levels have dropped considerably. Before - I was very confused as to why Almighty God had allowed this attack upon humanity. I prayed for wisdom and the LORD provided. Hallelujah.

If indeed, the sages are correct and redemption will come to the Jewish people if they keep two Sabbaths, then that redemption will come with an attack on Israel. A united attack by all the nations in which Almighty God will intervene with great wrath. Prophecy informs us that is how it will happen. Will a world war be declared before then? One in which the nations will be fighting each other in the Middle East, as Natan testified? I believe so.

With people being forced to remain at home, I can see some sorely tempted to drown their sorrows and anxieties. Getting all-fall-down drunk. With the worry over the virus and the financial implications of a world-wide shut-down, people are anxious, confused and in need of some light relief. We must heed the Biblical warning against this as our LORD comes as a thief. We must pray that the words of the gospel reach all. In Jesus' beloved Name.

Please come, LORD Jesus.

Israel prepares for 'inevitable' nationwide curfew as coronavirus cases grow