Two weeks ago I was thinking about many things that are way beyond my ability to completelyunderstand. I asked God to allow me to write a few poems about the rapture. I looked for ideas and wrote a bunch of stuff down and found that this subject was going to be a little more difficult to write about than I thought. You see most poetry comes from our hearts, things we have experienced and need to get out in the open for whatever reason. The rapture is something that I have studied, something that I believe I understand better than most. But understanding is not the same as having the necessary heartfelt component that is sonecessary to write a poem that others can not only read but feel.
After wrestling with so many words and ideas for about two weeks, here is "Going Home." I hope as you read this poem you can feel everything God intends you to feel about this important subject that so many Christians are for one reason or another so afraid of. It is an event that will be full of peace and joy and love, nothing to be afraid of at all. I hope that God allows you to feel the peace and joy that this event should inspire in each and every Christian as you read this.
God is not taking the rest of your earthly life from you. He is giving you a new perfect life in perfect bodies in a perfect place. He is not taking your loved ones from you. He is removing you from a very evil world and placing you in a new eternal home where everyone will be your loved one. Where there are no tears, evil, hatred, hurt or harm, no hunger, no fear, no stress, no pain, no sickness, nothing to ever worry about again. A place where there is nothing but joy, peace and love. A place where God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit will be with us forever.
People don't like change and this will be a big change but unlike any other change you have ever experienced in your life Almighty God will be completely in charge of this change. There is nothing to fear at all if you trust Him! We are "Going Home."
Going Home
My Bible says, "Look up, be watching, for your redemption draws nigh!"
All who love Jesus will soon be "caught up" to Him in the clouds in the sky.
Any day now, so very soon, He is coming for us, Jesus is coming once again.
From the throne room of heaven, Jesus will arise and in the clouds He will descend!
The Bridegroom is about to leave His heavenly abode and His Father's side.
He is about to come and fetch His beloved, the Church, His unblemished bride.
With a great shout, an angels voice and a trump so loud, He'll call to us from the air.
And with our new bodies transformed, we will rise in the blink of an eye to meet Him there.
Believers from every corner of this earth, gathered forever to be with Him as one.
United eternally to be with God our Father and Jesus His magnificent perfect Son.
And so shall we live forevermore in paradise, our glorious new home with our Lord.
We have become over comers of evil and sin by the power of His blood and His Holy Word.
Behold, I am coming soon, coming with power and love! He is forever the beginning and end.
Even so says the Holy Spirit, Come quickly Lord Jesus, come for each one that is yours, Amen!
We'll all be together with Jesus our Lord and Savior forever and we will all rule and reign.
A kingdom of His priests and kings in Almighty God's perfect domain.