Clay Cantrell (29 Mar 2020)
"Epidemic Warning Dream from Four Years Ago"

Readers -

Four years ago this month on March 12, 2016, the Lord gave me a prophetic dream that went on all night, repeating over and over again; a dream of a dangerous, highly contagious epidemic that was coming to the United States. I reposted it in July 2018, here’s the link: 

Dream of a USA nationwide epidemic

Special note:
Honestly, I’m not convinced that the Covid19 pandemic that has also reached the USA is the contagion the Lord showed me in the dream. Here’s why:

The main symptom that the Lord showed me, being that a person’s speed of walking (gait) slowed way down which then lead to a quick death, has not shown up.

have read an article here that reports that Covid19 can progress into ARDS and the outcome of that was impaired walking among other issues:

It’s possible that Covid19 is a “forerunner” epidemic. 

Jesus is Lord.
Hi Clay,
Thanks for sharing the dream again. Actually your dream describes Covid-19. Patients have difficulty breathing. I have seen many clips where people just collapsed in the middle of standing or walking.