Chance (29 Mar 2020)
"For Such A Time of This"


Hello John and Doves,

For such a time as this - we are all here, now.  This is our time.

As we watch the perils going on around us, we are to remember who we are:  We are the children of God!  We fear no evil.  For He is with us.  He that is in me is stronger than he that is in the world.

So each day, before you get your day going, put on the full armor of God.    The Breastplate of Righteousness, the Belt of Truth, The Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Salvation, the Sword of the Spirit.  For God Himself does this on our behalf! 

Isaiah 59:15-17  "Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey.  The Lord looked and was displeased that there was no justice.  He was amazed to see that no one intervened to help the oppressed.  So He Himself stepped in to save and His own arm brought salvation and His own righteousness sustained Him.  He put on righteousness as His breastplate, and the helmet of salvation on His head; He put on the garments of vengeance and wrapped Himself in a cloak of divine passion."

God will set things right and will punish and avenge the wrongs the people suffer.

Isaiah 59:18  "So He will repay according to their deeds: fury to His enemies, retribution to His foes, and recompense to the islands."

Psalm 135:5-20:  "For I know that the Lord is great; our Lord is above all gods.  The Lord does whatever pleases Him in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths.  He causes the clouds to rise from the ends of the earth.  He sends lightning with the rain and brings the wind from His strorehouses...Your name, O Lord, endures forever, Your renown, O Lord, through all generations.  For the Lord will vindicate His people and will have compassion on His servants...Blessed be the Lord from Zion -He who dwells in Jerusalem.  Hallelujah!".

God has not left us helpless - He has armed us.  Prayer is one of the most powerful tools at our disposal!  Prayer keeps us connected to God, strengthens us for the fight, and keeps us positive and grounded in a world of turmoil.

Prayer is the weapon that anchors us in the place of victory!
Prayer: A Powerful Weapon in Our Spiritual Arsenal | World Changers International Church

We are all here, now, for such a time as this.  This is our time!  We are needed to step up, keep the faith.  Use the tools God has given us! 

May God strengthen you and increase your faith!

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!

