Chance (29 Mar 2020)
"The Month of Nisan, 5780"

Hello John and Doves,

 Information on the month of Nisan:

March 26 - 1 Nisan (or Aviv or Abib); the first month on the Hebrew calendar.  Creation of the Universe.  Death of Abraham, death of Isaac, death of Jacob according to the Talmud.  This is the month in which barley is ripe.

The Lord told Moses and Aaron when they were still in Egypt that this month, Aviv (the name of this month at the time of the Exodus) is to be known as the first month of the year:

Exodus 12:2  "This month is to be for you the first month, the first month of your year."

A popular mirashic quote is "In Nisan we were redeemed in the past, and in Nisan we are destined to be redeemed again."  Just as the Exodus from Egypt took place in Nisan so too will the ultimate messianic redemption."
The First of Nisan, The Forgotten Jewish New Year -

Rabbi Glazerson's Bible Code "Corona - Messiah - 5780" March 27, 2020 has the words:  "preparation for the redemption", "faith", "Corona", "5780", "Messiah", "Repentance"

Jesus paid the price in full to redeem us from the law - the law that the Israelites were under - the Old Testament Law.  He did this in the month of Nisan.

The Lord told the Israelites to 'observe' the month of Abib - observe in Strong's means 'to keep watch", "watchman", to "watch for", "wait for".  Deuteronomy 16:1 "Observe the month of Abib..."

April 4 - 10 Nisan; Aliyah Day, Israel National Holiday. The Israelites cross the Jordan river into Canaan, the Promised Land.  Four days before Passover, the Hebrews were commanded to set aside a lamb for Passover, and inspect it daily for blemishes.  On this day, Jesus approached Jerusalem as 'their king' riding on a donkey - when he saw Jerusalem, he wept over it, saying "If you, even you, had known on THIS DAY what would bring you peace - but now it is hidden from your eyes."  Luke 19:42.  Some believe the prophetic clock stopped on this day, to be followed by a Time of the Gentiles, and, so, this clock would start again on some future 10 Nisan.  The Rapture could happen on this day as the prophetic clock starts - when the Church crosses over into the Promised Land.

Joshua 4:19  "The people crossed the Jordan on the tenth day of the first month."

April 5 - Palm Sunday

April 8 - 14 Nisan Eve of Passover; on the evening of the 14th of the first month, the Israelites gathered for the lamb sacrifice.  They used hyssop to apply blood from the lambs to the sides and tops of the door frames of their homes.  That night the first born of Egypt were killed by the angel.  This festival was later called Passover as God passed over and sparred the Israelites.

Leviticus 23:5  "The Lord's Passover begins at twilight on the fourteenth day of the first month."

Exodus 12:6  "Take care of them (the unblemished lambs) until the fourteenth day of the month, when all the members of the community of Israel must slaughter them at twilight."

April 9 - 15 Nisan Passover; Omer: Day One; 15 - 21 Nisan is Passover;
Jesus was crucified - His blood was shed for the forgiveness of sins. 

We, the Church, will some day experience our own 'exodus'.  Jesus tells us "as in the days of Noah" and "as in the days of Lot"- both were removed before the wrath of God was unleashed upon the Earth and upon Sodom and Gomorrah, respectively.  The Rapture will be the "exodus" of the Christians before God's final wrath is released upon the Earth (as described in The Revelation).

April 10 - 16 Nisan   Feast of Unleavened Bread.  The Children of Israel stop eating Manna, six days after entering the Holy Land; Jesus body laid in the tomb - His body was the bread, broken for us.  This is Good Friday on the Gregorian calendar.

April 11 - 17 Nisan  Feast of Firstfruits; Noah's Ark rests on the mountains of Ararat.  Haman hanged after planning to annihilate the Jewish people.  Jesus is resurrected. The resurrection of Jesus being the firstfruits of those that have died; also saints were resurrected in Jerusalem on this day.  Maybe the Church will be resurrected on this day.

April 12 - Easter.  "President Trump said on Tuesday that he wanted to reopen the country for business by Easter, on April 12...."
Trump Wants U.S. ‘Opened Up’ by Easter, Despite Health Officials’ Warnings - The New York Times

April 15 - 21 Nisan; Last Day of Passover inside Israel

Exodus 12:18  "In the first month you are to eat bread made without yeast, from the evening of the fourteenth day until the evening of the twenty-first day."

Last week I had a letter on Doves asking where the prophets were for this coronavirus - I recently listened to two 'prophets' (I have their names) say that there will be 4 months of shaking, from January 15 to April 15 in the U.S.  This plague will be broken and will die off by April 15-16, for Israel and the U.S., during Passover.  Because this administration supports Israel and is pro-life and President Trump has been trying to cut off government funding to abortion clinics.  We'll see...their dates and names have been recorded.  Will America be spared?  Or will the judgment continue to fall because of our sins and refusal to repent?  Where is our sackcloth and ashes?  (And then we have many prophets saying President Trump will be elected in 2020.) 

April 16 - 22 Nisan  Last Day of Passover outside of Israel; Omer: Day Seven

April 21 - 27 Nisan; Holocaust Remembrance Day

The month of Nisan is a month full of promise for the Rapture!  And as we contemplate what is going on in the world around us, we pray our redemption is near!

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!



Also, on April 24 the Muslim month of Ramadan starts.