Anthony Mak (29 Mar 2020)
"The Church is now in its "CORONA" position of birth & the 7 years tribulation is KNOWABLE,,,,,,,"

This should probably be my very last letter to be posted in fivedoves since my first in 1997/98...Only God Himself can Bless and repay John Tng for his faithfully keeping this site running all these years so I will leave it to God to reward him accordingly on that day which is far better than my words of appreciation which cannot compare to the rewards that's awaiting him in Heaven just for keeping this site running.......

My conclusion to the whole matter is that God in His foreknowledge and divine power has made it in such a way that the Rapture is actually valid to happen at anytime with every day having plenty of its own reasons and set of proofs from His Word to support each day of the whole year...this will drive both of those who are for Him and those who are against Him who are trying to figure it all out "CRAZY"!! Of course it will be a "good" kind of crazy for those who love Him but it'll be a very BAD kind of crazy for those who are against Him and His Kingdom, especially Satan who has been closely watching everyday for centuries...its meant to be like this because God knows that Satan will be EXTRA watchful on the matter, more than the Church actually.....BUT NOW, in these closing seconds, it is to my believe that as far as the 2nd Coming is concerned, God can reveal the DAY AND YEAR of His Son's 2nd Coming to His Church but will still keep the Rapture as unknown .......

While the Rapture is unknowable, as far as the 2nd coming is concerned, it is governed by a whole different set of rules from God which must follow a set pattern from His appointed times which are His Feast times and Satan would be well on top of that as well and so, at some point, God will lift the veil to the last generation to know about the 2nd Coming,, especially to those hungry "diehards" who will not rest until they find it out or die trying, ......And what better moment than when the world seems to be in gross darkness that's when He will shine His light on His Word to show and encourage His people more about the 2nd Coming.......

Firstly, about the "corona' position...... I watched a video recently by Pastor Sandy Armstrong where he read an article sent to him that says that near the end of the gestation period, the baby's head will turn to be in the position to be birth forth and that position is called the "CORONA" position and suddenly I realized that this is exactly where the Church is positioned at this time!!!  Cheer up and look up Church, Bride of Christ, we are now finally waiting to be "birthed" forth in the TRANSFORMATION / RAPTURE events!!! See how the Lord is using this time and turning it around to remind and warn the Church to be ready??? We still will not know exactly when that "birth date" is BUT the 7 years tribulation period is KNOWABLE which will help narrow down the Rapture into a very possible small window of time....

Deuteronomy 32: 28-35 in parallel to Deuteronomy 30:5 which is parallel to the Jewish year 5708 ( 1947 Rosh Hoshana ) and counting verse by verse forward describes the 7 years tribulation period in these verses 28-35 which is EXACTLY 80 Jewish years from 5708, especially in these 3 very significant areas....the start of the tribulation, the year of the beginning of Antichrist's final 42 months AND the very day of the 2nd Coming of the Lord ......Verse 28 is parallel to the Jewish year 5781 which begins on Rosh Hoshana of 2020, which should be the start of the tribulation period.... verse 31 is parallel to the Jewish year 5784 which begins on Rosh Hoshana of 2023 and since its right in the middle of the 7 years, then it should be around March / April of 2024 when the Antichrist will enter the Temple and proclaim himself as God ( where verse 31 says " For their "rock" is not our "ROCK" which is a clear description of the Jew's genuine "ROCK" against "their" false "rock" who has entered the Temple to proclaim himself as the "rock"!!! ) ) AND verse 35 is parallel to the Jewish year 5788 which begins on Rosh Hoshana in the year 2027 which should be the EXACT DAY that the Lord returns in His 2nd coming which by the way, would make it EXACTLY 2,000 Gregorian Years since He read Isaiah 61: 1 and 2 and did not finish it UNTIL this very day of Rosh Hoshana 2027 where He will finish up what He left unread in the Autumn of 27 AD in the synagogue in Nazareth with the very words beginning in verse 35 which says "VENGEANCE IS MINE ........" nicely finishing up Isaiah 61:1&2 at last in verse 35 of Deuteronomy 32!!!!!!! What a "poetic" God who is also master of the Gregorian calendar as well as the prophetic calendar.......HE IS ALL IN ALL INDEED!!!

Counting 2520 days backwards from Rosh Hoshana 2027 will reveal the start of the 7 years tribulation around early November of 2020.........

Since the Rapture is BEFORE the start of the 7 years tribulation, then, its most likely to happen in the Spring or Summer of 2020.AND the Church is already NOW IN ITS "CORONA" PERIOD!!!! How God can turn around something so dreadful and dark like the coronavirus into something so beautiful and bright!!! I believe that regardless of whether the actual coronavirus will continue or not on the earth, the Church's position at this juncture has been fixed and declared by the Lord and should not change until the Rapture no matter what happens to the current coronavirus situation. How long more do we think this "corona" position can be held before the Child is birthed???? It cannot be tooo long..........Haleluyah!!  EVEN SO, COME LORD JESUS!!!!

This ties in very well as well with God suddenly raising up TRUMP at a very crucial and prophetic time in world history to temporarily, physically restrain evil for a period of about 31/2 years or 1260 days ( as prophesied by Apostle Paul in 2 Thess. 2 :6-8 where whom we now know is Donald Trump "will be revealed in his own time" in 2016 and only later in verse 8 will the "lawless one" be revealed which are actually 2 different revelations of 2 different persons at 2 different times only a few years apart in verses 6&8 and RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of these 2 verses, the Church is Raptured in verse 7! The chronological order of the verses itself proofs these chronological events from verses 6-8! ) so that Satan doesn't get his MORE than 7 years which he was trying to steal more time from God with a Hillary Clinton victory in 2016. This prophesied "extended mercy and restraining" period is to win more souls and to get the Church ready before THE " REAL MAIN RESTRAINER" IS REMOVED was shown to me through much prayer for 3 months after Trump became President of USA . Trump's 31/2 years or 1260 days will be coming up between 20th April to 3rd of July 2020 depending on whether its counted from the 8th of November 2016 or the 20th of January 2017. How Trump himself ends up in this whole matter is only known by God but I do pray and wish for him and his family to be Raptured as well........( of course I do not discount the possibility of a 2nd term for Trump should God decide to sovereignly extend another 3 to 4 more years of His Grace but I believe that's highly unlikely at this point at the rate of what's happening in the world and especially in Israel and Iran, Turkey, Syria and Russia....and not to mention what all these "indicators" that are presented here in this letter are pointing at, which are all highly fact, if not for the coronavirus situation, the entire middle-east might have flared up already by now and might have caused a pre-mature Ezekiel 38 war which might affect the Church somewhat and so perhaps God in His great mercy for His Church to be warned and more prepared and ready has also allowed this virus to break up the tensions in the middle-east for just a little while until HE says its time! ( which the Church should see as a last chance BIG WAKE UP AND BE READY CALL FROM GOD at this hour.....there may not be another opportunity after this one.......)

The main "time clock" of God is the most important factor to consider in all of these which is the nation of Israel and its 80 years of becoming back a nation when counting in its original year counts of God since Noah's time which is the 360 days perfect calendar of God will also show that the 81st year ( which it should not cross over in order to fulfill the 80 years prophecy ) of Israel's becoming back a nation on 14th May 1948 expires on 15th March 2028, but since the 2nd Coming is governed by it happening on the very Feast Day of Rosh Hoshana, then, the nearest RH for it to fall on without having to exceed the "81st year" is the Rosh Hoshana of 2027!!!!!!! Fitting EXACTLY with Deuteronomy 32:35!!!!!!! WOW and double WOW!!!! Now we may also know why Israel entered into a never before unprecedented time of uncertainty regarding its forming a stable and fully functioning government since April of 2019 until now and its because its by God's WILL at this time that she should QUICKLY be going through its transition INTO THE TRIBULATION PERIOD in tandem with God's closing of the Age of Grace or Church Age at the SOOOON RAPTURE!!!!!!! Whatever outcome of this situation in Israel for its government from here on will be that which will see the onset of the Ezekiel 38 war as well as the 7 years tribulation..........

Yet another valid indicator of the real possibility of a final climatic year in 5780 or 2020 for the Church is the counting of the 120 Jubilee years that God had given to mankind where, by just looking at it in biblical or perfect years of 360 days per year and taking the count of the last 40 Jubilees ( 2,000 years ) from the birthday of Jesus in 3 BC and counting 2,000 biblical years ( 720,000 days ) forward from there will reveal that the entire 6,000 years from Adam was already arrived at in the Gregorian year of 1969! However, for the 120 Jubilee years to fully and legally expire or fully come, it would require another ONE more Jubilee of not more than 51 biblical years of about another 18360 days AND this also arrives at the Jewish year 5780 as well as Gregorian year 2020!!! And according to the law of Jubilee, everything has to be re-set and returned back to its original owner during every Jubilee year AND 5780 and 2020 is reflecting such a Jubilee which also means that God, being the original owner of the earth can rightfully take back the entire earth in 5780 or 2020 and He will, but, we also know that He will still have to fulfill scripture by giving the earth over to Satan for 7 more years from most probably 2020 onward before taking it back again at the end of that 7 years for Jesus to rule it for 1,000 biblical years after that.......

AND Yet another perhaps final indicator that matches all the above datelines is found in Psalm 126 where this chapter talks about the deliverance of Israel ( after its 7 years of troubles? ) because Psalm 126 parallels the Jewish years 5787 to 5788 or Rosh Hoshana of 2026 to Rosh Hoshana of 2027 where it ends on EXACTLY Rosh Hoshana 2027!!! Again fitting and matching Deuteronomy 32:35 and Israel's 80 years timeline......( could all of these be just a coincidence that a 6,000 years count, a 2,000 years count and an 80 years count ( and even a Psalm ) all of which are centuries apart from each other, ALL points to the same exact climatic years of 5780, 2020, 5788 AND 2027??? )

How appropriate for Our God who had laid down the principle of having at least 2 witnesses to confirm a thing, that He has given more than 2 'witnesses' for this case with the 2nd Coming with all the above scriptural "workouts" that's leading to 2 sets of specific years which are the Jewish years 5780/81 and 5788 and Gregorian years 2020 and 2027 which are exactly 7 years apart............

FINALLY, my brothers and sisters of fivedove, here's what I think will be the timetable for this very very possible final year ( for the Church ) 2020 AND 5780.........between now and early July, the Rapture and all its related short revival events ( where Romans 9:28 is fulfilled with the greatest harvest of souls the world has ever seen in a perhaps 40 days period only ) should be taking place and between Late July ( 9th of Av ) to October, the Ezekiel 38 war and all its related activities should be taking place AND , finally by November, the 7 years covenant will be confirmed and will end on Rosh Hoshana of 2027, 7 biblical years later as prophesied...( November of 2020 is already the Jewish year 5781 in line with Deuteronomy 32:28 where the nation of Israel who is "void of counsel" at that time ( after the war ) as the verse says, will sign the 7 years covenant with many sponsored or hosted by the Antichrist...)



Hopefully, This is a truly  "SEE YOU IN HEAVEN SOON" sign off from me.........Maranatha, and Thank You Father, Thank You Jesus and Thank You Holy Spirit!