1 Cor 10:31 (29 Mar 2020)
"Taking a deep breath & throwing this out there as a mere possibility!!"

Listen, I am not dogmatic about this!!  I’m merely saying it’s a POSSIBILITY is all!!  Just to let you know, I’m literally shaking even as I write this.


While we’re busy looking every other direction…. THEE “man of the hour” may be right among us now.  This is not a guessing game.  I KNOW we are to look for Christ!  Not the AntiChrist!  Just saying IF this is him and he’s right among us, RIGHT NOW, then be listening for the heavenly trumpet to cut through the air with a loud & clear blast literally just any time now.  I for one, do not think there will be another U.S. election, just my opinion.


I expect your respect in “being Christ-like about this” and not beating me up black & blue!  (as I’ve seen done to people on other sites!!)  Whether you slightly agree with this or whether you choose to douse cold water on the whole thing, EITHER WAY, represent Christ in your feedback please!!  THE WORLD IS WATCHING!!  More than that, God is watching.


So, here we go ~ what is going to no doubt be, my most UNPOPULAR post here at Doves!


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What color horse does the AntiChrist ride??




Mr. AntiChrist will ride in on a WHITE HORSE, coming to town LOOKING LIKE A GOOD GUY!!!!    Hi-Oh, Silver & Away!!!   He will not look or be the VERY OBVIOUS “bad guy” like one who came into office and we knew immediately he hated Jews.


For the past 12 years, I’ve agreed with the general consensus on this particular board as to whom the AC was going to be.  I, too, always thought there was a high probability.  The world swooned over him!  People the world over loved him!  And indeed, he was/is “an” antichrist. 


But know what?  AT FIRST the world will NOT love the [REAL] AntiChrist!!   In fact, the book of Daniel says at first he has FEW followers.


Daniel 11:23  After coming to an agreement with him, he will act deceitfully, and with only a few people he will rise to power.  [NIV]


For you KJV people:  And after the leaque made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.


Given this & so many other things I’ve studied over the last 2 months, I’ve changed my mind about who the AC is most likely going to be.  Now, my thoughts are in wondering:  Have we been played??!!


MOST of you would not or could not accept this!  Neither could I at first!  Yet I kept diligently studying, regardless of preconceived notions.  My husband only gives me a snarly look when I mention the possibility to him because he’s a huge fan of this person.  But this is NOT about politics!  Liberal vs. conservative or vice versa!  [and for the record, all but one stupid time, I have always voted conservative!!!]   This is NOT about THAT though.  This is about paying attention to what’s going on, + studying the attributes of the AntiChrist mentioned in the Bible and seeing if they match up.  This particular person even looked to the heavens 6 months ago, claiming he was the “chosen one”.


Four years ago…. Anyway, WHAT CHOICE DID WE HAVE??  Vote for “spirit-cooking woman”?  with her shrill laugh and forceful fantasy of being the Queen of the country?  Was it truth or was it conspiracy that she was/is into the occult… B I G   T I M E???  As a practicing witch, a high priestess of the illuminati…?  Far too many sites out there cover this.

At the time, I’ll grant you it seemed the right thing to do to bring in the LONE RANGER, definitely over Queen Witch [not to mention their illegal crime cartel which has been carried on for years as they see themselves “above the law”!]

So, am I suggesting we huddle together with the leftist liberal loonies?  And their GODLESS agenda??   NOT ON YOUR LIFE!!!!!


In fact, most of us would expect if the AC came out of the U.S. to come from the “godless left”, wouldn’t you think?!

Simply consider:  Jesus didn’t come into the world the way in which people EXPECTED either!  Jews expected their Messiah to be a fully grown Man – not a Babe in a manger.  All I’m saying is often times things don’t manifest in the exact WAY “we expect”.  That’s all.



So now…. “fast forward” up to today…..


Look, I’m not saying you must agree with me!  I’m not even being dogmatic and out & out saying he IS the AC!  There are MANY antichrists, 1 John tells us, but there will be THEE AntiChrist who becomes the ruler of the entire world.  All I’m saying is keep your eyes open & BE AWARE, that’s all!!


Also, FTR, I don’t go in for “blaming” him for everything that happens in the world!  Some of you gals may be into Beth Moore studies – I’m not (but that’s another story) at any rate, she blames this person for “killing evangelism” (because people voted for him!)  LAUGHABLE!!  & I think such a statement is beyond ridiculous.  So many in the world just like that though!


Got a pimple on your tush?  It’s ****** fault!!  [heh, mixing a bit of humor with a LOT of sarcasm…. w/my point being how the world goes overboard always looking for a fall guy!  Finding one… then blaming everything in the world on him!!  Totally not my style.]  In fact, it’s a MAJOR pet peeve of mine when people do that.  Probably because my brother was always a leech, always playing the blame game, always manipulating anybody he could (as God is my witness… he did this to our mother “on her deathbed”!!!  Evil knows no bounds….)   Always twisted arms simply to get people to enable his vices….. “you have it better than I do (uh, never mind we work our tails off 24/7 to make ends meet!)  therefore you OWE me!!  Hand it over!! 


[Sound like the general thinking of Americans who are DEPENDENT on the government?!  I’m not including everybody here – as sure there are some who are truly in need of a hand-up, I’d sure like to look at those statistics though of who’s merely playing the game…. Never mind, I don’t have to – GOD WILL!!!  God knows all & will reveal all in due time.  Nothing will get by Him! 


I will not go on & list all the various reasons [though trust me, there are many!] that cause me to have my eyes wide open re: this person.  But I am glad to see on other sites that other people are saying they are noticing the same things.  It’s just sad, sad, sad that then they get mercilessly BEAT UP & bloodied & bruised by fellow Christians!  By their supposed brothers & sisters in the Lord!  Simply b/c they have a different view.  I, too, had a different view up till very recently.  I admit, I defended him HERE on this site just a few months back.  Although if I recall correctly, that was over what was said or what was NOT said – and had nothing, zip, nada to do with the man’s character.

There are times, when you are given additional information, you then change your mind!  Or when the Lord leads you to have a “check in your spirit” so you decide it’s high time to TEST the spirits!!


1 John 4:1 [NIV]   Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.



And the incredible thing?  Some of the Christian people who run the sites I like the best are all in for praising this guy!  You’d think he alone parted the Red Sea or something.


I’m more factual – Trekkies:  take that to mean “Data-like” in that I’m looking at him as a very possible candidate – but I’m neither praising him ~NOR~ bashing him.  Husband and I just cannot stand Stephen Colbert & his nightly diatribe.  For the past 3 years, we’ve just gotten NAUSEATED by him & change the TV channel as quickly as possible.  So again, I’m neither praising NOR bashing this person, I’m just lining up the facts according to the attributes listed IN THE BIBLE!!!


Remember false prophets & teachers are by & large deceivers {that’s THEIR job!!  That’s WHAT makes them FALSE!!}  and will deceive even the very elect if possible.  The way to not be deceived?  Keep your eyes wide open!   This particular person wanted to be the one to bring Mid-East peace even as early as 1986.  Bet you didn’t know that.  Yet there are many, many, many other reasons.  Those who support him “no matter what” are supporting him blindly & simply giving him a free pass.  This includes my friends….. who are so quick to repeat nonsense they hear about how the virus was started just to “bring this guy down”. 


It WAS started on purpose, I agree, but for something far more sinister than sinking one country’s leadership.  It was strategy of all the globalists.  How else is this world going to merge into a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT??  And a ONE WORLD RELIGION??


They see that “hi-oh Silver” white horse good guy image & think that he “IS” the good guy!  Many years’ worth of hand signals alone ought to tell us something.  Even well-known preachers give him a pass claiming the blasphemy is no big deal. [uh?  TO GOD it’s not??  Mr. Big Time Preacher, I think you need to READ A BIBLE!!]


Prayerfully we’ll be outta’ here before much longer & then they (the elites who think they can orchestrate the world  inc. illuminati & masons) & all the left-behinders can get on with the show.  Some though, are getting concerned wondering if we may start seeing more innings of the Tribulation – e.g. will we be here long enough for them to announce mandatory virus testing and the implantation of invisible tattoo-combo???


There is not one inkling of doubt in my mind that this virus is man-made & was PURPOSELY unleashed on the world!!  For such a time as this!  How better way to chip the population than to have them stuck in their homes like caged rats??!!  {I’m not calling anyone a rat!  Merely using a metaphor.}


Listen, I’m not asking you to go along with me on this…. That’s going to have to be up to you & the Lord.  BUT I AM asking that you not beat me up black & blue!!  Is that what the Lord would have you do??


Here are the lyrics to the song played at every rally & many events, & for those who think this guy is a real Christian – check out the FRUIT!!!! 

Would a REAL Jesus-honoring, Jesus-loving Christian insist this song as well as similar others be played as he makes his way out to the crowd? 

Oh & BTW, for those who aren’t aware, he blasphemes the holy name of God IN his rallies, too!!   OFTEN using the “G.D.” in public…. Like I say OFTEN!!!!   IN PUBLIC!!  In front of everyone, … women, children…. Everyone…. without batting an eye…. We all stumble, but should a real Christian talk this way ALL the time, every single day of his life??  Obviously he’s used to thinking & talking this way in his daily life/demeanor  [someone needs to tell him God’s last name is NOT “damn”!!]   Yet – people…. CHRISTIANS…. give him a pass!!  Go figure!


Revelation 13:6  “And the beast opened its mouth to blaspheme against God and slander His name.” 




Lyrics to song, Sympathy for the Devil (which I’ve read he CHOOSES “his own” playlists for his events & rallies!)


"Sympathy For The Devil"

Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
I've been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man's soul and faith

And I was 'round when Jesus Christ
Had his moment of doubt and pain
Made damn sure that Pilate
Washed his hands and sealed his fate

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game

I stuck around St. Petersburg
When I saw it was a time for a change
Killed the Tsar and his ministers
Anastasia screamed in vain

I rode a tank
Held a general's rank
When the blitzkrieg raged
And the bodies stank

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name, oh yeah
Ah, what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah

I watched with glee
While your kings and queens
Fought for ten decades
For the gods they made

I shouted out,
"Who killed the Kennedys?"
When after all
It was you and me

Let me please introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
And I laid traps for troubadours
Who get killed before they reached Bombay

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But what's confusing you
Is just the nature of my game

Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me Lucifer

Cause I'm in need of some restraint
So if you meet me
Have some courtesy
Have some sympathy, and some taste

Use all your well-learned politesse
Or I'll lay your soul to waste, um yeah
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, um yeah

But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, um mean it, get down
Woo, who
Oh yeah, get on down

Oh yeah
Oh yeah!
Tell me baby, what's my name
Tell me honey, can ya guess my name

Tell me baby, what's my name
I tell you one time, you're to blame
Ooo, who
Ooo, who

Ooo, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who

Ooo, who, who
Oh, yeah
What's my name
Tell me, baby, what's my name

Tell me, sweetie, what's my name
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who



Again, I realize there are some who simply will not or maybe cannot accept this! 


Interestingly Daniel 11:39 says he will sell the land “for a price”….. hmm!  Someone who’s got experience in land developing then, eh?!


His own towers – eh, “buildings” -- the world over are all masonic.


But like I say, there are many other reasons/attributes as well.  He will be more STOUT than others (bigger in statue….)  Even the pope, upon their first meeting, teased this man’s wife, asking, “what do you FEED him?”


Surely God put this man in place, but not “for the reason” which many think.


Guess what?  He is LOVED in Israel!!  A coin made in his honor, a street named after him.  He is welcomed and praised there.


A “white” horse, remember? 

Some will think he’s no less than Matt Dillon with a WHITE HAT planning to clean up Dodge City!


From 2 Corinthians 11:13 & 14:  For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ.  And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.  It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness.  Their end will correspond to their actions…. [Berean Study Bible]



Just my thoughts.  I’m not saying he IS the one… I’m just saying it’s a (good) possibility!  Esp. because we’ve been “looking elsewhere” & not at the elephant IN the room.


I know, I know, I KNOW that many Christians repeat what they’ve heard all their lives:  how the AntiChrist MUST come out of Rome, or he MUST be an Assyrian, or a Jew, etc. etc. etc.  I’ve been around enough to know all these different things people say.  Yet I will also state that – like it or not – and it took me a while to accept this, too, but I have studied the Bible, too, & am 1000% convinced that America IS Babylon of the end days.  [TONS of study & I have all the reasons printed out!]  Once you realize that, then it’s a no-brainer when Isaiah 14 says the AntiChrist will be the KING OF BABYLON!!!!!!


Again, “pay attention” (I sound like a 2nd grade teacher, don’t I?!)  “KING” of Babylon – NOT Queen!!  For that reason, as late as the hour is, I do not believe this country will ever see a FEMALE President.  Some 4 years ago, I was confident then that Hillary would not win.  This time around, I was every bit as confident Eliz. Warren would not score.  Truthfully, I do not think there will be another election in this country.  I think, I PRAY the rapture happens long before!!



Look, I’m not bringing this subject & person up because I “enjoy” getting beat up!!  It is NOT my goal to cause a commotion on this board!!  I’m bringing it up for ONE REASON: because otherwise, if we have our sights set on thinking this guy is Matt Dillon or the Lone Ranger (a.k.a. “the good guy”)  then it would be soooo much easier to fall in line & take his mark – thinking well that is not “THEE” mark the Bible speaks against!!  {the mark should come along AFTER the rapture, but even so, you’re going to hear more & more about it in the coming week/days}  “Pastor Bob” thinks the mark will start later this year!


He (and I)  think & certainly H O P E  our “exit from this world” is literally staring us in the face now!!  This spring?!!  Lord God, let it be so, according to Your Will!


Even so, if I am right about uh, “this person” & he is the one who becomes the AntiChrist – then this will be good information for those left here.


Whether you agree or disagree, let’s all keep our eyes WIDE OPEN & stay awake!! 


~~The hour is VERY late!!  Amen!!


May I ask from real, TRUE Christians that you will care enough to go to The Throne Room of God & ask for a ** HEDGE OF PROTECTION ** to surround me & my family & home???  As I’ve stated previously I always get smacked around gratis:  devil & cohorts just simply for posting!!!   Thank you sooooo much!!  And I will thank you again once we are settled “up there”!!


I realize this is my most unpopular post here.  But hopefully if nothing else, it will indeed get you to thinking about the possibility.


Love & prayers go out to my fellow watcher friends!!!  Unless the Lord should direct me otherwise, I’ve committed this (watching/writing) to being my full time job now – only because I think we are really THAT close!!!

