1 Cor 10:31 (29 Mar 2020)
"how can it be BOTH at the same time?"

Some watchers think the Lord Jesus MUST come when everything is going “normal” & ordinary!!  Like Lot’s day and/or Noah’s – they planted, they builded…. Marriage, etc. etc.

While others are on high alert N O W  with the worldwide crisis – pandemic….. what with most of the world is “shut down” and held up in their homes like rodents in cages!!!


So how could it be BOTH at the same time?


I’ll offer my 2 cents’…..


I, too, had figured the Lord would come when life was “ordinary”, people were carrying on with their business as usual – as though they had another 200 years on this planet…..  BUT…… I do not think (as some writers on Rapture Ready do)  that things MUST RETURN TO NORMAL  **BEFORE** Jesus can come!!   Listen folks!!!!!   We just stepped over the threshold of a NEW “normal”!!!!  I’ve read LOTS this past week & while normally I like to give proper credit where credit is due – though this time I really cannot recall who wrote this…. But this person said that Bill Gates found it a LOT EASIER to make the world “stop” and keep everybody at home (loose translation) than he ever thought possible!!

So how can it be both at the same time?  Oh wait, I already asked that!


Simple!!  Sure you’ve got Luke 17 (Lot’s day description)  but we’ve also got Luke 21 which says:   25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;   this is Luke 21:25 from the KJV….. which BTW I am not an “onlyist” as I like to look at several Bible translations to get a good grasp on what each verse is saying.  HOWEVER on this particular verse, yes I will go with KJV!!  BECAUSE all other translations I’ve looked at at www.BibleHub.com say people will be in distress & perplexity BECAUSE of the roaring seas & waves (loose translation)  BUT this KJV verse merely puts a semi-colon there – and does not merge the 2 thoughts.



Um, sounds a lot like NOW, doesn’t it???


So how can life be carrying on as “normal” yet with all this panic, hysteria, hype (24/7: ugh!), DISTRESS, anxiety….. ALL AT THE SAME TIME????

I propose this:  husband ran into a friend at WalMart earlier in the week – and while she KNOWS about the rapture, yet in her mind, it’s “way out there in the distance” you know?!  Not a priority to dwell on.  She went on to explain how they finally got an offer on their house & also put an offer in on another house.

You see?  BOTH HAPPENING at the same time!!!!   Anxiety & distress & perplexity in all the nations of the world – and yet, people are carrying on with normal, every day life!!!!!   {which would NOT be happening at the end of the Tribulation!}

Hence, again I say we have STEPPED OVER to a “new” normal & will never return to ORDINARY again.   This whole thing – though the virus is very real….. was cooked up by globalists.  The elites…. Who are they?  Anyone who is SUPER RICH, super powerful, a combination of the 2, world renowned, doctors in medical training are TOLD they are the elite.

So anyway, there you have it ~ my 2 cents!

I propose the rapture is super soon!!!!   POSSIBLY possibly possibly as early as this next week??  Wouldn’t that be nice?  Nisan 10 [April 4th] when Jesus first rode into Jerusalem.  Or possibly Passover à another GREAT possibility!!!!  Perhaps as far out as Easter (which some prefer to call Resurrection Day).  I still personally lean towards it being in spring, so things can gel together for everything else to fall into place. This MAY BE my last post here!!

BTW, without creating yet another post, I expect I’ll get pummeled for some of my posts from last week in putting out there that this ID2020 (Bill Gates & cohorts)  chip/vaccine combo “may be” the mark of the beast!!!  BECAUSE some people are certain it does not happen till the 6th seal of Revelation.

Well, guess what?  I just read this ID2020 will be MANDATORY ~BY~ October of 2020 – and if that’s the case, then who’s to say that the 6th Seal hasn’t kicked into high gear by then anyway????

Further, I’ve been in touch with someone who’s “in the know” who’s been studying Biblical prophecy for some 60 years.  And if it’s true that the numbers 666 and 999 are keyed into this virus vaccine/microchip – then this IS IT, Folks!!!!!

Personally though I love Geoff (another site)  I cannot see the ENTIRE WORLD being force-vaccinated with this microchip now & then the ‘true’ mark of the beast later.  In my mind, I think it’s one & the same.  And unless time proves differently, then I’m going with that!


Rapture is right at the door!  Make sure you know Jesus!!  Make sure Jesus KNOWS YOU!!!!!

