1 Cor 10:31 (29 Mar 2020)
"Hi Derrick Drew!  & THANK YOU"

No, I don’t believe anyone here is going to “mock” you nor call you insane!


In fact, I just got through LITERALLY out loud applauding your study you wrote for Doves!!  http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/march2020/derrickd322.htm


And I’ll take it a step further & say “I love you”!  In the Christian sense of course!  Oh my, what a blessing that was to read!  And I’ve got to get out of here for a short while now, but you’d better believe I’ll be looking at & reading & studying Is. 24 later today.  I give thanks to the Lord for your Holy Spirit guidance in leading you to connect Is. 24 with Revelation and also Luke 21.


FWIW (for what it’s worth!!)  sighs!  I am SO sorry about the suffering you endured from your “fellow brothers & sisters in the Lord”!!!   UNDERSTAND!!!  Been there!!  Wait!~ “still there”!! 


I once confessed here something which happened nigh on 30 years ago – and while I left that church in full repentance, the tale-bearers never stopped talking about it….. even after 30 years!!!!!  Funny how SLANDERERS are mentioned in the Bible ~~ right along side MURDERERS!!!   “To this day” they murder my reputation & by chance I run into any of them in public --  they quickly look the other way and walk away as fast as they can!  Treat me like I’ve got leprosy!!  

Sometimes it hurts to the core of my soul; and other times I simply pray FOR THEM that the Lord in His wisdom & grace will choose to not hold it against their account/s.  They’re going to see a far different story anyway, than what they’ve been lead to believe – when they are watching the “Judgment Day video”!!!!!


At any rate, for WHATEVER your church/es persecuted you for:  it’s such a common occurrence now days!  It ought not to be so, yet it is what it is. 


My story:  since I have no family living & very few friends left…. And in an effort to find some good, Godly like-minded friends, I called the local Baptist church last week to ask about their Bible study – it was on a “book” which I consider the author a false teacher….. so didn’t want to go there.


I love studying the Bible!  But I want it to be the BIBLE alone – not some book ABOUT the Bible.


Years ago we joined a dinky Baptist church – as I was traveling down Nostalgia Lane of life & the size reminded me of my childhood church.  FIRST DAY we visited we were clearly asked by a lady (who thought she “ran the place”) what we were doing there!!  HA!!  How’s THAT for “welcome”!!   I said matter of factly, “we are looking for a place to sit!”   OBVIOUSLY they didn’t draw visitors on a regular basis…. Hmm!!  WONDER WHY??!!... 😉


One time I attended the same lady’s Sun. School class only to find out she had all the women enraged against the pastor – b/c in their opinions, he “didn’t live up” to the one they’d had 10 years earlier!!!  /laughs!!  While nodding head in disgust….. 

My eyes have since been opened to how many people in churches think it’s THEIR MINISTRY to “run off the pastor”!!.....  And it was over something so stupendously STUPID that they didn’t care for in “this” pastor!!!!   Absolutely “NUTS!!”  I tell you!!!!


Another friend graciously reminded me that should I try out any of these clubs or organizations I’ve been thinking about to be careful of cliques!!!  B/c it’s a VERY cliquish world!!!  And I know she’s 100% right!!!  She reminded me when she was in between jobs & merely attempted to spend time volunteering w/Salvation Army & instead ran into women who’d done it for 30 years – and how they just wouldn’t accept a newbie….

Cold!!  Callous!!  Uncaring!!  

I digress!!....


And you’re right!  The ones who are going to be raptured, by all signs it appears to be VERY soon!!  Our fellowship there will be absolutely out of this world divine!!  Without any holding grudges against us or focusing on OUR sins!!  {they’ll have their own to worry about at Judgment Time!!} 

My slate will be wiped clean; yours will be wiped clean.  We’ll never again think of them. God chooses to FORGET them even.


But alas, I understand your anguish and pain.  Truly sorry you’ve had to carry that all these years.  


And congratulations on deciding to put forth your real name.  Only reason I don’t is b/c it’s a WICKED scary world in which we live and I’ve had 2 stalkers in life.  So I use my pen name as a cautionary measure.


THANK YOU AGAIN for sharing your study & your heart!  We are blessed!




1 Cor 10:31