Fay (26 March 2017)
"London - the Aftermath"

This article penned by Katie Hopkins, says it all. I was but one of those Mum's who frantically phoned her son in London - checking to see if he was safe. He was safe but had been in the vicinity. Not close enough to witness anything but close enough to hear the sirens and feel the panic with all the other Londoners. It's disgraceful. Barbaric. Despicable. I don't believe our LORD Jesus will tarry much longer. Praise the LORD that my son was kept safe. It really got me thinking hard about the reality - the cold stone reality - of the constant tension and fear Israeli's feel all the time. These ISIS people - whoever they are, wherever they come from - from whoever spawned them, have a particular corner of hell reserved for them. 

MARANATHA, please LORD Jesus.

After London terror attack Katie Hopkins says we can't go on like this