Robert G (23 March 2013)
"A second US civil war?"

To the Doves in the United States

As a Canadian looking at the US, and as someone who is a student of history, the signs that something unpleasant may be in the works are just about everywhere.

I always saw the "USA" as The Land of the Brave, and the Home of the Free.  I know that there are a lot of brave Americans, but there isn't much freedom any more.  Under the NDAA, the government has gutted the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

This is so similar to the "Enabling Act" passed by Hitler in  the 1930's that I am shocked that it passed so easily through your government.  My mom had relatives in Germany during the war, and the stories they told were chilling.

Like Germany in the 1930's, the US is on the brink of complete financial collapse.  Like Germany, the US can quickly turn factories in to part of a larger military complex to build weapons and munitions.

Like Germany, everyone is under surveillance.   This message, along with everyone else's has probably passed through a government computer to be scanned to see if it has words that may constitute a threat.  Every phone call is likely recorded.  There are probably more cameras watching everyone, and everyone is a suspect.  Even the word "Homeland" is essentially identical to what the German's used.  All of the rights were taken away to protect the citizens: freedom was exchanged for security and jobs.

When I read about the billions of rounds of ammunition bought in the past months, it is scary. And  those are just what the media reported.  How many more billions of rounds have been bought that the public isn't aware of?

What I see is a powder keg just waiting for a spark.  Are there any other Doves that sense that war is just about up on us?  If a civil war breaks out, it may turn in to an even bigger conflict as nations take sides in this battle.  Where does this fit in with biblical prophesy?

All I can say is "Come quickly Lord Jesus".  


Robert G.