Randy (6 March 2013)
"How MANY COINCIDENCES must we see, before we can Believe??  Occams' Razor: the simplest explanation is the BEST?"

Occam's razor
a principle named after William of Occam, a 14th century philosopher. The generalization states that, if there are a number of explanations for observed phenomena, the simplest explanation is preferred
I first learned this in the Movie with Jodi Foster:  CONTACT.   It was even spoken by a character who was the SPIRITUAL "leader" of the group.   Hmmmmm, hadn't thought of that until now!
I stand AMAZED for so many, many reasons....regarding Barrack Hussein Obama as our Prez for not just one, but TWO terms....   UGH! 
This Email is a small attempt to catalog some of the coincidences about him, that just made ALL of go "Hmmmmm......"  along the way....didn't they?
When he first got in office:
Go to the VIDEO about half way down the page......  but here are some of the 7 "coincidences" in the video
1) Remember after the election.....in his HOME state of Illinois..... that wee, the PICK 3 and PICK 4 numbers were:   666  and   7779 .   And we all went....Hmmmmmmmm
2) His Middle name alone....HUSSEIN.  Didn't we just oust a guy named Hussein in h Middle East before he became President.   Again.....  WOW and HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM  !!
3) And when he got elected....even people around the world were saying "MY GUY WON!" 
And then ALONG THE WAY......a couple other coincidences:
ON ROSH HASHSHANAH 2012.....September last year... was.... incredibly...IN # of DAYS....
And Rosh Hashanah 2012 was a day I was looking at as either THE DAY of the Rapture...or, in retrospect of course.... the start of the YEAR of the Rapture....due to my own "analysis of coincidences" from an event on Rosh Hashanah 2008....when the stock market went down 777.62 points in one day. )
My analysis:  http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/nov2012/randy116-2.htm and posts about this. 
And now......O is going to Israel.......at such a time....6 days before Passover....as did Jesus on His las week.  As stated in John 12.
AND.....a NEW Pope is being selected around the same time.......and per Mallichy, he could be the LAST Pope.....
And the Vatican hit by lightning after the Pope's resignation...AND caught on camera to boot !!!!
 So, Obama, symbollically rides a DONKEY (as a Democrat) into Jerusalem....
OR......he rides a BEAST......(the Secret Service Name of his car he will bring with him!!)
And.....US Homeland Security is buying lots and LOTS of bullets for "our safety" ??????  And tanks, too????
And NOW........a locust plague in Egypt.....just before passover.....EVEN THE EGYPTIANS SEE THE COINCIDENCE IN THIS ONE!!!
Tick Tock...    I'm just sayin'  !!
ONLY 3 weeks from TOMORROW before his trip.
less than that for a Pope to be chosen??? 
Found a prophecy today, see other post, that says the papal enclave could be "struck from above" in a disaster from the sky???   WHAT????
Hold onto your hats kids......it could get INTERESTING!!!!!!!!