Randy (6 March 2013)
"OK......A Post from ONE YEAR AGO (Laruen/Donna Danna)   GOT a PROPHECY Right on the HEAD re: Papal Conclave in March 2013 !!!!"

Credit where credit is DUE !!


J. R. Church called Tom Horn a couple years back and showed him verses 476–483 of "Vayera" in the Zohar that point to the time of Jacob’s trouble commencing "late in the year 2012" when the “kings of the earth” gather in Rome.
What I believe is that a “papal conclave” whether scheduled or an emergency, it will be called and be in session when the March 25, 2013, at an instant sudden destruction of the “storm of the LORD” occurs.
And THIS QUOTE as well:
We have been writing about this since February 2010 that Passover March 25, 2013 is the fulfillment of Revelation 12:10 when our ‘advocate’ Yeshua, leaves his Fathers right hand because Satan, our accuser, has been cast out!
 He becomes our Messiah, the “great shepherd” of Hebrews 13:20 who will be that shepherd of the seed/branch of Jesse and David of Jeremiah 31:8-10 and Ezekiel 34:11-16. It will be he, as quoted from above, who “will begin to declare himself”!
 While outside the “wilderness walls” tribulation will reign for exactly 1290 days while Satan pours out his wrath on an ‘unsuspecting’ world. Revelation 12:14-17, Isaiah 11:10-16 and Ezekiel 20:33-38
Giving Him the glory, an Ezekiel 33:6 watching one REPENT, the Kingdom of God and the “authority of His Messiah” is at hand
I found this Five Doves post with a Yahoo search for: zohar prophecy March 2013
And I did this search as result of aMonday Five Doves post by: Gerlinda yesterday.  (Have yet to watch her link to a video....) 
Is it all comingn together??   For march 2013?
TICK TOCK.... I hope so....