Lauren (1 March 2013)

                                                             HISTORY LESSON: THE HAGEL OBAMA CONNECTION


Before getting into the history of Barack Obama and Chuck Hagel et all, a brief review:


Yesterday I sent out an article exposing his involvement linked here, that just happened to surface the day Chuck Hagel, one of its architects was sworn in as Secretary of Defense!


It was from this article that a February 20, 2013 Jerusalem Post article appeared, hinting of a "two state solution deal already existing" that urged me to mail out an article earlier in the week called 'DID THE ISRAEL PRESS LEAK TWO PROPHETIC SCENARIOS'.


Within it I expounded upon this "covenant with death and agreement with hell" looking as if it was coming from Isaiah 28:15 and 18 and that it could very well be fulfilled when it is "disannulled" by the "storm of the LORD" of Isaiah 28:2 and Jeremiah 30:23-24.


The timeframe I gave was between 'evening of Passover' March 25, 2013 and 'First Fruits, March 27, 2013 with its architects and "proud crown" being trodden down by it, as according to Isaiah 28:15 and Daniel 11:20-23


If you haven't read the linked report above please do, before getting into the history of President Obama's involvement below that documents his administrations continued hostility towards Israel and points to him as being the prince of the covenant¯ of Daniel 11:23 and the one wearing the proud crown¯ in Isaiah 28:1-3

The history¯ information below is but a part of this excellent article sent to me from Israel;

The document was handed to President Obama in 2009 by Chuck Hagel and other well known Israel haters. His report, recommended President Obama force a two state solution on Israel, against its will if necessary, by placing 60,000 US troops in Judea and Samaria to guard the border between Israel and Palestine.


President Obama began his presidency four years ago, by demanding a complete halt to all Jewish construction in East Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, while demanding nothing from the Palestinians. No US president before him as ever demanded this from Israel.

He went on a tour of the Middle East, where he skipped Israel and instead visited Israel's most vocal and hostile critic in recent years Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan, who has become his close friend. He went to Saudi Arabia, a country that to this day has never recognized Israel's right to exist. There he bowed before King Abdullah and received the king's highest award of honor.

Then, came Obama's historic speech to the Muslim world in Cairo Egypt, where he apologized to the Muslim world on behalf of America, praised Islam and repeated the Muslim narrative that the state of Israel exists at the expense of Palestinian suffering only as a result of the Holocaust in Europe. In other words, the Jewish people have no historic rights or ties to their God given land.

Before his speech, he demanded that at least seven leaders from the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood organization in Egypt be allowed to attend. It made President Mubarak so upset that he refused to come. In less than two years, Obama called on Mubarak to step down, which brought the fanatical Muslim Brotherhood to power over the largest country in the Arab world.

Netanyahu's first visit to Obama was marked by a rude display of public disrespect by the American leader, in which he abandoned the Israeli prime minister to wait in the White House while he went off to enjoy a private evening meal alone with his family. Netanyahu was subsequently escorted from the White House through a side door, rather than openly through the front -- a further humiliation that has left an unpleasant stain on their relationship to this day.

Later on Obama spoke to Netanyahu over the phone, while he had pictures taken of the phone conversation with his feet on the desk towards the camera. As someone who claims close familiarity with Islam, he is well aware of the fact that this gesture is in the Muslim world viewed as an act of insult, which he purposely showed towards the leader of Israel.

When Netanyahu went to see Obama the second time, the US president arranged a press conference, while Netanyahu was on his way over the Atlantic, where Obama, before they even met to talk, officially stated his demand that all peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians must be based on Israel's indefensible Auschwitz borders¯ from 1949.

No US president in history has ever demanded this from Israel before, and he knew that this position was unacceptable to Netanyahu. When Netanyahu pleaded with Obama to take action against the threat from Iran or at least allow Israel to do it, Obama stated in an interview that he is purposely blocking out all noise out there,¯ in order to only act in the interests of America.

Whereas Obama eventually toned down his outward negative approach towards Israel in order to be reelected, his opinions about Israel have not changed at all. Rather the opposite. The proof of this is, first of all, that he has begun his second term in office, by appointing John Kerry as Secretary of State, Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense and John Brennan as head of CIA. All are strong believers in appeasing Islam at the expense of Israel. According to some reports, John Brennan has even secretly converted to Islam.

In the report linked above called A Last Chance for a Two-State Israel-Palestine Agreement,¯ Chuck Hagel as stated above, after recommending President Obama to force a two state solution on Israel, against its will, was appointed Co-Chair¯ of Obama's President Intelligence Advisory Board¯ and now Obama has appointed him Secretary of Defense!

Due to Chuck Hagel's many controversial views on Israel and Iran, the US Senate hesitated to confirm him as Secretary of State. Recently a group of 14 senators wrote a letter to President Obama, urging him to withdraw his appointment of Hagel.

In the letter they wrote: Over the last half-century, no Secretary of Defense has been confirmed and taken office with more than three Senators voting against him¦ Further, in the history of this position, none has ever been confirmed with more than 11 opposing votes. The occupant of this critical office should be someone whose candidacy is neither controversial nor divisive.¯ Nevertheless, Hagel's nomination was finally confirmed this week in the Senate, with the votes 58-41.

Hagel represents a new US approach towards the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, where Israel's interests are not considered a priority for the United States, but rather the opposite. It is with this perspective on the Middle East that Obama now will visit Israel for the first time as US president.

As watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem, we must not be fooled. We must know what is going on and we must pray. Israel is in great danger!