Jimmy Lishman (6 March 2013)
"To Mike - Thank you brother for your kind remarks"

Hi Mike,

I too can see your heart for JESUS and HIS coming.

In the words of my mentors Jon Courson,Grant Jefferies and Steve Hadley who’s insight far exceeds my own I can only reply:

Over the years, I have seen in my own life and in the lives of others a vulnerability to instability when life gets difficult, a tendency to ask, "Why, God? How come, Lord? What's going on here?"

Yet, knowing we would invariably argue with Him if He answered our questions, the Lord chooses to give us a peace that passes our understanding (Php_4:7).

You won't find a single verse in Scripture that promises we'll understand. Therefore, happy is the day when a man says with Paul, "I only know in part" (see 1Co_13:12).


And as Jon always say and I concur “When the plain sense of the Scripture makes sense, seek no other sense” and this has really simplified my life and study of HIS word.

Blessings to you my brother as we wait for HIS soon calling from the skies “COME UP HERE…….|”


