Greg (6 March 2013)
"Absolute Confirmation of the "Little Horn""

My I would like to share something the Lord revealed to me in His scripture of truth in Dec. of 2012. I am a born again believer in Christ and I believe that God is three Persons in One (Father, Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit). With that said, the Lord revealed through His word who the "little horn" is.
Most in Christendom have held to the belief that the dream of the statue in Daniel chapter 2 concerns itself with four kingdoms, and then the last being the Antichrist kingdom, or the fifth kingdom. He showed me this not to be true. The statue in Daniel chapter 2 actually reveals six kingdoms:  1. Babylonian 2. Medio/Persian 3. Grecian 4. Roman 5. Divided Roman 6. Melting Pot (U.S.A.)
Then in Daniel 7 it further details the last kingdom of the statue (Dan. 2), the U.S.A. The "beasts out of the sea" represents 4 eras of the U.S.:
Verse 4 represents settlers (with eagles wings) traveling from England (lion), the first era of the U.S beginning in 1789.
Verse 5: the 2nd era came in 1913; "like to a bear" means to be strong, slow, and steady, which is how Satan works. The "three ribs" represent three manipulations: 1.setting up the Federal Reserve and the bankers with credit and loans (wealth); 2. political manipulation (voting rights); 3. 501 (c) 3 tax exempt status privilege in churches. This was how the devil corrupted this godly nation. These "ribs" revolutionized how we do business, thus influencing us to think that wealth creates meaning and purpose, and causing many to pursue the "American Dream." Read 1 Tim. 6: 10.
Verse 6: the beginning of the third era came in 1933 with President FDR, as in his four terms ("four wings of a fowl") he lifted the U.S. out of the Great Depression, and then, even though then Vice-President Truman succeeded FDR when he died before his fourth term ended, and that FDR was the "chief person" ("four heads") involved in the making of the Atom bomb, it was President Truman who made the call to drop the bomb on Hiroshima in 1945. This historical event catapulted the U.S. to world dominance, thus it taking on an attitude of being like a Leopard, which means to be "limpid" (serene; in control).
Verse 7: This represents the fourth era with "ten horns" (ten Presidents). Coming out of WWII General Eisenhower became President that propelled the U.S. into a "dreadful, terrible, and strong exceedingly" ("fourth beast). This era spans from 1953-2008, and the following U.S. Presidents developed the U.S. into what it had become: a great beast in the fourth era of the U.S:
1. Eisenhower 2. JFK 3. LBJ 4. Nixon 5. Ford 6. Carter 7. Reagan 8. Bush Sr. 9. Clinton 10. Bush Jr.
Verse 8: This verse identifies the next President of the U.S., who according to scripture is the "little horn" (the Assyrian, O.T.; Is. 10: 5-6; that man of sin, the son of perdition, N.T.; 2 Thess. 2: 3), which succeeds the last of the "ten horns" (Bush Jr.), which we know is:
Barack Hussein Obama!
According to scripture this man is "that man of sin, the son of perdition," who will become the Antichrist!
Now with all this said I encourage you to watch this very short 2: 56 video from 1970:
link here:
Blessings, and in the love of Christ,