Gino (1 March 2013)
"RE: Mary Anna: 02.2513: guillotines"

My dear Sister,

             Please don’t let evil people shake you like that.

With 17 states, and climbing, abolishing the death penalty, and that with the states still with capital punishment,

             all moving to lethal injection, because of the outcries, of cruel and unusual punishment with other methods,

             it is inconceivable that something as barbaric as beheading would be used.

Only Utah allowed for beheadings, between 1851 to 1888, but no one was put to death that way.

Recently, Utah has ruled to only allow lethal injection.

Beheading is utilized for specific purposes:

1)     Robespierre et al to establish the Reign of Terror in France

2)     Islam, for religious purposes

If these are the last days, then who on our planet are beheading people?

It is happening where Islam has a stronghold.

Since the desire of the dragon & the beast is worship, and the whole thing about the image of the beast is about worship,

             it would make far more sense that the tribulation beheadings come from Islam,

perhaps in a forced effort to get people to worship Allah and the Mahdi.

It seems so highly improbable that the US would move towards legalized beheadings,

simply so that people can make scripture fit their view of who are the beast and the false prophet.

The people that make these videos, and wrote books about the same things back in the late 70’s,

             are the kinds of people who could sell air conditioners to Eskimos.

They are closer to the old travelling medicine shows, than to watchmen on the wall.

Do not let them deceive you.

And certainly do not let them terrorize you like they have done.

Shame on them!!
