Gary Rich (1 March 2013)
"Heavenly Perspective on Eternal Rewards"

Have you ever thought about the fact that as a Christian believer in Jesus Christ, you have an eternal bank account in heaven. The bible says that - "Great is your Reward in Heaven. Luke 6:23" . And "you will have treasure in heaven. Mt 19:21" . God is keeping track of what you do for Him each day. You have more to gain by serving the Lord than you ever imagined. Knowing this, you begin to live with an unshakable certainty that everything you do today- matters forever.                                                      
 There is a direct connection between something you do for God on earth, and something "great" He is going to do for you in heaven. Your acts of kindness that you do for others is noticed by Jesus. When you do kind acts for people that can not repay you, Jesus will repay you with eternal treasure and rewards in heaven. We get all worried about our temporary earthly bank accounts, when we should be more concerned about is making daily deposits into our heavenly bank account

You do this by showing God's love to other people thru acts of kindness. Such as serving at a homeless shelter, volunteering at church, helping your neighbor, caring for the elderly, helping a friend in need, going on a christian mission trip, sharing the gospel message with people etc. The list is endless on what you can do to earn eternal rewards. Consider today how you can use your life for eternal value, and store up treasurer in heaven !



have a blessed day,   Gary