Edwina (1 March 2013)
"Mercer RE: fake assasination of BO and Ron Reese's excellent synopsis...oh the Agony and the Ecstasy of Watching!!"


Dear Mercer,
Wow yes, when i read you letter,  http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/feb2013/mercer228.htm  for the first time, you made me think of this possibility being a deception!
Just Incredible! As we are watching and waiting and reading and keeping up to date,( which i'm finding increasingly difficult.....so many diverse, volumous linked subjects)  There has  been some dead-end aspects? Like the 21/12/12 and the Illuminati Card Game, giving signs and then not being executed? Or, are they and have they been, and yet we didn't know it, like a foiled terrorist attack?
Very confusing sometimes, and i too read Ron Reese's Letter and was compelled by all of his meticulous observances! Now it seems that souls who are "Watcher's" have a doubled edged sword in their hands and  understanding: on the one hand staying loyal to your calling and sharing your findings, even if ONE more soul gets saved? And yet! also, have the negative aspects when the issues being recorded end up being part of the evil one's stratergy and part of the discreditting process to try to intimidate and grind us all down?
The reality is, we have the Most Holy Spirit Who breathes His Life back into us after each skirmish and holds aloft in His Mighty and Generous Hands!
So! PRAISE THE LORD! JESUS CHRIST IS LORD! and let us give thanks and Praises for His Work amoungst His saints!
We wait, amd we watch! and Thank you Lord for the brave Watchers, who put their heads above the parapet time and time again!
Thank you Mercer and Thank you Ron Reese!

Marantha!  Shalom, love edwina.
p.s HAPPY BIRTHDAY FIVEDOVES! wow John what a great work you have done and still do. And for me? Why i have been "blessed" so many many times and have gained some best friends and brothers and sisters! You have enriched my learning and i cannot even hardly put into words, (not usual for me!lol) the magnified graces that came from discovering you and i have only been Wacthing since June 2008! when Yeshuah Ha Mashiach said to me: I AM COMING SOON.
And so, John are you excited about the Judgement seat of Christ? Oh my, what a crown you shall have coming to you.
Shalom brother, love edwina.
Thanks, Edwina!