David H (23 March 2013)
"A Word from Tozier: What is the true church?"

" The true church is a spiritual phenomenon appearing in human society and intermingling with it to some degree, but differing from it sharply in a certain vital characteristics. It is composed of regenerated persons who differ from other human beings in that they have a superior kind of life imparted to them at the time of their inward renewal.

 They are children of God in a sense not true of any other created beings.
Their Origin is divine and their citizenship is in heaven.
They worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Jesus Christ and have no confidence in the flesh.
They constitute a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people.
    They have espoused the cause of a rejected and crucified Man, who claimed to be God and who has pledged his sacred honor that he will prepare a place for them in his Father's house and return again to conduct them there with rejoicing.
In the Meantime they carry his cross, suffer whatever indignities men may heap upon them for His sake, act as his ambassodors and do good to all men in His name.
They steadfastly believe that they will share His triumph, and for this reason they are perfectly willing to share his rejection by a society that does not understand them.
And they have no hard feelings- only charity and compassion and a strong desire that all men may come to repentence and be reconciled to God."