Clay Cantrell (23 March 2013)
"Harpazo & Syria"

Readers -

my personal opinion, that I've posted several things about is ...

The Catching Away (1 Thess 4:16-17) and Syria are tied together - I
think the AC is Syrian.

 The word Harpazo, Strong's 726 greek is the phrase "caught up" in 1
Thess 4:17. it means to "take by force, seize, etc".

crossing back to the Hebrew Strong's list, Strong's 726 hebrew =
Syrian (aramite).

a resident of Syria.

I don't think that there is one for one formula for bookended Strong's
words, like I have shown is this case - in EVERY case.

This might be true IF the number of words in the OT and the NT were
the same, but they are not. My take on it is that they do align in
certain cases - and this is one of them - imho.

The AC is Syrian, he is a citizen of Syria, his mother is an Egyptian,
and he is from the line of Ishmael.

Jesus is Lord.