Charles (1 March 2013)
"The message of the cross"


The message of the cross is foolishness to them that perish but to us bring saved the wisdom and power of God!

Eve thought she would immediately die eating that fruit! We can all dissect what that was but not the point! The fact is she new Gods word she just was decieved and misunderstood it! And once she saw she did not immediately die iIe. Hey I took the cookie out of the jar and ate it and I am not in my room! Dad surely will send the cookie eater to his room shortly! Eve now broke the bond of eternal life and communion and in one act well two wit Adam was tricked pit of eternal fellowship with God and became just a jar of clay and lost the world Jesus had to die to redeem on the cross!

Something similar has occured! We are born lost without hope an axe is to the tree and judgement looms we ate the apple! Well the fact is they say the correct words you are saved by grace through faith not by works of your own.

But here is the catch we are justified when we say Jesus is Lord and set our spirit to serve Him and believe in our heart God raised Him!  But we are to follow Jesus who ran the race we lost and won!  We take on the full armor of God our race clothes and put on Jesus Comforter and guidance the Holy Spirit and run the race set before us living in spirit through Jesus following his race path home.

This is not works! You must do these seven things to go to Heavan is works! This is justification which leads to the Holy Spirit leading us by the lamp unto our feet Gods word unto sanctification as we walk in Jesus path though the spirit we become more Jesus less us! This leads down the narrow path to redemption of the purchased possession!

The faithful servant is watching and waiting and praying and warning of judgement to come not partying with the world saying yet one thousand years maybe before Jesus comes why dwell!

Jesus said act like His return was imminent why because we want to be found emulating Him when he comes so we go before judgement falls and well heads up verses you know!

Please I struggle this every day and the whole world is a lullaby saying to to sleep shhhhh. But wake up and Jesus will give you life! We cannot save ourselves by works but our work is to believe on God! If we confess with the mouth and believe in our heart we will be given a race to run and a guidance that will never run out of batteries! But we must follow Jesus footsteps home!

They say words but as James said words without deeds are dead! Jesus is coming for a peculiar people zealous of good works! Time is nearly up to get in the race!!!