Bruce Baber (23 March 2013)
"How To Be MORE Happy in Heaven"


If I am right about this both spiritually and theologically speaking, this might just increase your future happiness in heaven.   It might also help you understand something about suffering on earth too.


First off, we will all be happy for all eternity in heaven.  Joyously, incredibly happy.  However (and this might sound strange, so hear me out), some of us are going to be happier than others.  Let me borrow the illustration used by Therese of Lisieux in her book Diary of a Soul.  Her sister set out two glasses.  One glass was large and the other one was small.  She then filled both of them with water up to the the rims.  "Which of them is more full?" she asked.

The answer is neither one is more full.  They are both filled to capacity.


Some people will have the capacity to be more happy - more joyous in heaven even though we will all be as happy as we can be.  Well how do we get bigger glasses in heaven?  How do we get a greater capacity for joy?  It might tie in to how much we allow the Holy Spirit to stretch us right now... and we become more malleable, more pliable by how much suffering breaks down the fleshly man here on earth.  Paul intimated this in Romans 8.  "18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 19 For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope."


In this earthly life we endure suffering.  A non-Christian suffers and so does a Christian.  Some suffer more than others.  Some people get meaner and harder from the suffering they endure.  But, those who open up to the Holy Spirit are stretched.  In order to stretch, they die to self.  They are made bigger vessels.  Their capacity is stretched so that in heaven they will contain greater happiness.  We say He is the potter and we are the clay.  This is so true!


Do these thoughts help us come closer to understanding why God allows suffering in our lives?  I don't want to suffer.  I hate suffering.  But, we are PROMISED that our present sufferings prepare us for greater things for all eternity.  It will all be revealed to us in heaven.  No wonder we so long so much to go home.  No wonder all of creation groans!


Be blessed.



Bruce Baber