Barry Amundsen (23 March 2013)
"Re: Joan, Bees 2 incidents of swarms leaving when I commanded them in Jesus' name"

I had two strange experiences with swarms of bees at my homes, yes, two separate homes where I was living but both similar and the second only a week ago.

The first was in 2010 and I went out of my house up the steps, one story up to my vehicle for something and while there I became aware of the sound of thousands of bees and looking up I saw them all swarming just above and in front of me in a large pepper tree. I had walked very near them and they were between me and my escape back into my house and now I was beginning to fear them when suddenly I heard the Holy Spirit tell me to command the bees to leave and go to where the Lord sends them in Jesus’ name. So I felt the power of the Holy Spirit rise up in me and I obeyed, lifting my right hand up towards the bees I spoke out loud to them saying, “Bees, you leave and go away from here and go to wherever the Lord sends you in Jesus Christ’s name!”

Immediately the swarm lifted as one up out of the tree and began to move away from me toward a nearby hill that goes down to a field and cresting the hill they disappeared out of my sight with barely a few bees left near me. I ran back down into my house to tell my wife to come out and see what had just happened but there was hardly any evidence that they had even been there with the exception of the stragglers who were wondering where their friends had all gone to.

Since that experience my wife and I have moved twice to the home we now live in and a week ago I was having a bite to eat at the kitchen table and looking outside through the sliding glass patio door, I saw a swarm of bees in yet another pepper tree just outside. I immediately called to my wife, Linda who came and saw the bees also and I reminded her of the previous incident and the prayer or command in Jesus’ name that sent them away. I was aware of a difference from that incident to this one being that in that case I was feeling a sense danger and therefore the need for the miracle was more urgent. Whereas now, I was safe inside our house and quite relaxed but nevertheless not wanting these bees to be here and I wondered if the same prayer would work this time.

I asked my wife to agree with me according to Jesus’ promise to us that when two or more agree when we ask of God in Jesus’ name it will be done and then began to address the bees from inside the safety of my home and through the sliding glass door, in a similar manner to what I had done the time before. However this time, being more relaxed I had a certain feeling like I didn’t know if it would work this time since I wasn’t feeling that I was in danger but merely wanting them to be gone and so I was acting purely by faith and not feeling the same gift-like power that had arisen in me the previous time which came up through me and moved over the bees to make them go. But I began to say something like, “You bees do like those other bees did and obey the voice of the Lord and go to wherever He may direct you to but you can’t stay here because this is our home and we don’t want you here… So please just go someplace else, in Jesus’ name and be gone…” Then I said, “And if it doesn’t work this time then I’ll call that number on the ‘Got bees?’ sign on the sides of the roads around here and they’ll come and get them, but we would be happy if you all would just go now in Jesus’ name.”

I was feeling the pressure of having a witness this time even if it was my wife who I know believed me before but just the same I was feeling a certain vulnerability in case nothing happened. But it did happen although more slowly this time. Instead of the whole swarm moving off as one the way the first one did, this time they just began to thin out over the next ten minutes or so and within fifteen minutes they were nearly completely gone with the exception of the few stragglers again. I went out there to see and there was no sign of the swarm besides the few that seemed again to be asking where their friends had gone.

I don’t know if this means anything but I wanted to share in light of Joan’s post: