Andrew B (1 March 2013)
"Reply to Donald Price 21st Feb 2013"

      Dear Donald, your story touched my heart, so I am writing a response.

      Firstly, I want to pray right now that the Lord Jesus would give you a big infilling of the Holy Spirit, and the gift of hope.

      Secondly, I humbly suggest that you google: Christian Healing for Spiritual Abuse. Another suggestion would be to google: Theophostic Prayer Ministry by Dr. Ed Smith. May God bless you as you search.

      Theophostic is the name given to the process where Jesus takes the adult back into the past, using deep-prayer ministry, and silences the lies and speaks God’s truth.

      My wife suffered very severe childhood abuse for eight years. It was so traumatic, her soul was fractured and the memory was suppressed, but depression was always present.

      Because of Jesus and deep-prayer ministry, she is now healed and whole.

      The Triune God has fully blessed my family of four, even though the devil has tried many times to rub us out. I pray, believe and claim Jesus’ protection, second by second, over every member of my family.

      My youngest daughter is a trained Christian Counsellor, working within the Baptist Church. My wife intends to soon start studying the same course, and do similar work in the Kingdom.

      My wife and I attend the same AOG Church as my daughter and her husband. And they are expecting their first child, our first grandchild. And I am fifty nine years of age. My other daughter is in another city, but love and rapport is deep and excellent.

      The devil tried many times to rub each one of us out individually, personally and as a family, from very young to now.

      The Triune God has saved and preserved us, and defeated the devil, at the Cross and in our lives. Whether we live on Earth or go to Heaven, we are the Lord’s!!! [By grace and faith (Jn.3:16 &Eph.2:8-9)]

      I’m not bragging here. I’m just praising the name of Jesus and giving you hope.

      The devil hurt us, Jesus healed us, now we serve Jesus, and we are fully against the devil, our enemy. (see Ps.91)

      My wife was willing to go through the process of deep-prayer ministry, and I was with her every step of the way.

      Your son needs to be willing to enter into a time of prayer ministry, and he needs someone spiritually strong to hold his hand in the process.

      If he is not willing, may I humbly suggest that you keep praying, and even pray more, perhaps even with fasting and tears. Once one son starts seeing positive results from the prayer ministry, perhaps the other son will be inspired to do likewise.

      Jesus loves you! And Jesus loves your sons with a Godly love that’s bigger than the Universe; greater than any earthly father’s love. This will give you hope, as you pray.

      God bless, from Andrew B.