Stacy Raborn (5 March 2012)
"Why?  I just don't understand..."

Hello my brothers and sisters.  I have a question that is coming from a hurting heart...

Why, oh why, are we saying this?  Maybe you can help me brother Frank.  Maybe I am receiving this the wrong way.  Can you please help me understand where this is coming from?
Why would Jesus say that the harvest is ready but the laborers are few?
Could it be because some  one has fooled them into the wrong type of thinking.
False shepherds leading the flock astray?
I am a King's kid, I don't have to do anything!
Everything has already been done, so I will just do anything I feel like doing cause it doesn't matter.
Reminds me of the servant who became careless and got drunk
He was not ready.
Could these people really not be Christian who thought they were?
Or are they just rebellious children who did not care about their heritage like Esau
Jesus said to them depart from me, I never knew you.
You will know them by their fruit.

I am not sure who you are referring to here who may be saying these things, but I haven't seen any such comments.  No one is saying that we can sit on our duffs and do nothing.  If the Spirit of Jesus Christ lives inside of us, He is definitely going to compel us to do His work.  And one who truly loves Jesus will not be in a state of disobedience to His calling. 

Help me out here please.  Is there really one of the "King's Kids" saying this?  A King's Kid knows that we are to be a part of the Great Commission.  A King's Kid simply wants to do things as the Lord leads and provides, not as our flesh dictates.  I myself have been in the state of constant works before, and it is bondage, and there is no peace -- it is very simply unbelief and a lack of faith, and it is awful.  That's because I was working out of my own flesh.  I choose now to do it as He has commanded -- through Him and for Him, because I believe him.  So yes, my works are not as much before, but they are still there, and the difference is that I do them as He compels, in His strength, and with His resources -- and in the midst I have peace, joy, and hope as I believe that I have been saved by grace through faith.  It is truly finished.  All I do now is love, listen, and obey, which results in His works! 

It hurts my heart to see messages like this, because it seems that we are somewhat twisting what others are saying and then almost ridiculing them for it.  Maybe someone has said that we can just sit back and eat, drink, and be merry as we wait on our Blessed Hope, but again, I have not seen this one time.  Maybe I have missed something...

Please, let us show compassion and mercy upon each other and remember that we are all saved by grace, and we were all living in darkness and deceit at some point in our lives.  I love all of you, but this is really beginning to hurt a little bit...

And brother Frank, you are just that to me -- my brother, and I love you.  I just need a bit more understanding, so please go easy on me!  :)

Blessed be the name of Jesus, our Lord.