Spoely (7 March 2012)
"To: Coerper - The Politics of Ending Abortion"


Steve, you were “Right On” on your radio show Monday March 5, 2012!


Yes, there have been 8 presidents since Roe vs Wade, that could have used their federal powers, including the power of regulation and/or veto power to end abortion.


As a matter of fact, I didn’t even think of how the presidents could have just written strict regulations that would virtually ended abortion.


Each one is responsible for the death of millions of lives during AND AFTER each of their terms.  They are:


Nixon  - 39 years since Roe versus Wade

Ford – 38 years since took power

Carter – 35 years…

Reagan – 31 years…

Bush – 23 years…

Clinton – 19 years…

Bush – 11 years…

Obama – 3 years….


I would not care to be the one answering to God for their decisions.

