Sandy B (5 March 2012)
"Re: Abigail NZ- Watchman Nee"

Blessings to you, John and Doves......
Dear Abigail.......The articles you have posted from Watchman Nee are tremendous!  Hope many will  take the time to read them! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Fair Use for Discussion and Educational Purpose
He said..........
"It is beyond question that what we ARE determines what we get out of the Bible.  How often man in his conceit relies on his unrenewed and confused mind to read the Bible.  The fruit is nothing but his own thought.  He does not touch the spirit of the Holy Word.  If we expect to meet the Lord in His Word, our thoughts must first be broken by God.  We may think highly of our cleverness, but to God it is a great obstacle.  It can never lead us into God's thought."
"There is not only THOUGHT in the Bible; the SPIRIT ITSELF comes forth.  Thus, it is only when your spirit can come out and touch the spirit of the Bible that you can understand what the Bible says.
. . . The Spirit who inspires the writing of the Scriptures  is the eternal Spirit, ever present in the Bible.  If our outward man has been broken, our spirit is released and can touch that Spirit who inspires the Scriptures.  Otherwise, the Bible will remain as a dead book in our hands . . ."
I've been studying the Word for 56 years and I stand amazed that there's ALWAYS something new He wants to reveal.   NONE of us know nearly enough!
 At the age of 9,   I would go up into a dusty attic to get quiet with the Bible, and I didn't think anything unusual to tackle the Book of  Jeremiah. Smile. Isn't that a HOOT!     Jeremiah!    
 At that young age God was inspiring His devotion for His Word in my heart.    
My parents were too busy pursuing their own professions to give me any attention, so GOD took me up into His arms. Hallelujah!
My point is that God is always working on His children to "bring them in" to the fullness of His grace.  Some He blesses to come to Him early in life, others later......but He's bringing All of  them in as it pleases Him!  To those that have known the Lord a longer time, MORE is required of them.  They have NO EXCUSE before God if they haven't fulfilled their calling.
Ten times in the Book of Revelation we are admonished......he who has an ear to hear, let him Hear what the Spirit has to say!  
True devotion to Hear from God via His Spirit is rare today.
We preach, shout, show charts and grafts about how close we are to the Rapture, and still many need more proof, or just want to argue.
Watchman Nee said that we must seek God's Thought, which means emptying ours! God wont be rushed, for He desires the diligent to seek His favors.. and then WAIT for His response.    Isa. 40:31    
Waiting on God is a "neglected" virtue these days.         We're too busy.
To my thinking, since the Church is the Body of Christ, The HEAD IS Christ!  
Any time I want my hands to move, or my  feet to walk, my
head tells them what to do.   
Will Christ be any different to us concerning what we're to THINK and How to ready ourselves, spiritually, concerning  His coming....considering HE is OUR Head?
No, The Lord, as our Head, wont leave us in the dark about His coming for us. 
Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them......Isaiah 42:9
It is always the character of God to forewarn, that's why I'm confident He will make it very clear to us HIS COMING!
Just like Corrie Ten Boone asked of her father concerning  what death would be like.....he replied,  "Corrie, when do I give you your train ticket when we go on our journey?"  Her reply..... ..."when we get on the train".  He responded, " and that's How it will be with your Heavenly Father. He will give you all that you need when it's time for your journey."
We may not have a whole lot of warning, but I believe we WILL KNOW the timing of the Rapture if we're listening 
God has never left His children in the dark concerning His doings.
I appreciate all those that think they truly know the "day" of the Rapture.   We're all LOOKING together!!! 
Happy souls who fear the Lord;
Time is not too swift for you;
When your Savior gives the word,
Glad you'll bid the world adieu.
Then he'll wipe away your tears;
Near himself appoint your place;
Swifter fly, you rolling years,
Lord, we long to see your face.

 From: My Times in God's Hand.....Ps 31:15,     Octavius Winslow


Agape,      YSIC         Sandy B.