Rudy Wallace (28 March 2012)
"Frank R Molver (27 March 2012)"

Frank R Molver (27 March 2012)
"All UFO's not demonic"
Many, if not most, UFOs are military experimental flying objects. MEFOs.
God does not need mechanical devices to do His work.  Remember Jesus just "appeared" where He wanted to be after the resurrection.
And if there are alien UFOs, they still have some problems with their craft, as we have word of them crashing at times and the occupants taken prisioner.
But I do expect the government to stage a holographic alien landing soon and have the "off world beings" step forth and announce their choice for the one world leader to "heal" our planet.  And they will possibly explain away the rapture and the world will buy their story and go about their business as usual as they enter the new world order of peace and prosperity as the ones who have experienced a quantum leap in evolution, while the misfits and weak have been "assigned to another dimension."