Ron Reese (31 March 2012)
"A cover letter for "What to Do if You Are Left Behind""

This is a short, simple cover letter for the other post that I wrote today, entitled, "What to Do if You Are Left Behind".  This post was an updated, revised version of my most popular tract ever.  There are somewhere between 2 and 3 million copies of this tract is circulation around the world.  This was, by far, the most popular of the 37 tracts that I wrote in the 1990's.
This tract has the potential to save many souls after the Rapture, and maybe some before the Rapture.  I am fully expecting the Rapture to take place no later than April 11th, so please send this out to those on your mailing list without delay.  Many souls are now hanging in the balance.  This post could be their ticket to eternal life, after the Rapture takes place.  Make copies if you wish.
Revise this tract to suit your theology, or views on the End Times.  You do NOT have to ask permission.  All of your friends and family, who are not ready for the Rapture, need this tract.  Delete Obama as the Antichrist, if you must.  Change the Great Tribulation to 7 Years, instead of 3 and one-half years, if you must.  Delete my name and email address, if you wish.  But please use this tract, as a tool through which the Holy Spirit can work.  When the Rapture and Sudden Destruction take place, probably in the next few days, MANY people whom you know will NOT know what to do.  Do you care enough about them to warn them?  Strongly encourage people to SAVE THIS EMAIL, and not to delete it.
"Lord, use the post, "What to Do if You Are Left Behind", for your honor and glory, that it might bring additional souls into your Kingdom.  Lead people who are reading this, to forward this post to those who will need instructions AFTER THE RAPTURE.  Prompt those who are reading this letter, by your Holy Spirit, to forward this tract to everyone that they possibly can.  There is so much to gain, and so much to lose, and so very little time left, to make a difference.  Convict people's hearts who read the email, both before, and after the Rapture, to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen."
Ron Reese